Tunnel Rats

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Nomad's POV

The Blackhawk hovered in place as we lowered the ropes and fast roped down before the chopper flew off, we double checked our mags before starting our hike up the rocky mountain towards a cave our satellite spotted a few days ago.

"I'll bet y'all a beer our guys are in there." Holt stated with a smile, "I'll take you up on that bet Holt." responded Weaver adjusting his scope.

"Can the chatter I hear voices on the ridge above." I whispered as I crouched around the corner spotting a white mask with an insurgent.

I quickly and quietly step out from around the corner and fire my M416 twice killing both of them with clean headshots. "We're clear let's hurry up and get to that cave."

We continue working our way up the mountain moving between the jagged rocks before a crack rips through the air as a bullet flys past my head. We all duck behind the rocks as me and midas start laying down suppressive fire so Holt and Weaver move up to more cover.

I swap mags just as Weaver and Holt start to suppress the enemy so we can move up as well. We repeat this until we're just meters away from the sniper position. Midas grabs one of his grenades unpins it and tosses it over the sandbags because exploding killing the sniper instantly.

As I reach the position the enemy was I see a small opening behind a camo netting, "Alright boys looks like we found our way in expect a fight there's no way they didn't hear our little fight." I say as I reload my rifle.

I duck down to enter the tunnel and crouch through it before it opens up to a more open cave system.

As I left the small tunnel lights are suddenly turned on blinding me temporarily as I jump to nearby cover as bullets tear into the wall where I was just standing.

My squad starts returning fire at the enemy as my eyes adjust to the light before I start to return fire too. I poked out from behind my cover and shoot two hostiles in the head as my squad kills the other three.

I get out of cover and push forward with my team as we clear the area before going down another tunnel as we engage any enemies we encounter on the way until we came around a concrete wall with a door.

We stacked up on the door and prepared to breach, I pulled out a shotgun and shot the doorknob and kicked open the door as Midas threw a flashbang inside.

When it detonated we moved in killing four more insurgents who were guarding what looked like a security room. There were several monitors that were connected to cameras throughout the cave.

On one of the monitors we could see the missing rainbow squad being tortured by a white mask lieutenant before an insurgent busted into the room frantically saying something to the officer before leaving the room.

The officer looked annoyed before telling the other masks in the room to leave while keeping two insurgents with him.

We heard footsteps and shouting approaching us so we decided it was time to leave, we went through another door that opened up to another tunnel.

We went down the tunnel before we can I contact with the masks we saw on the monitor, we quickly dispatch them and continue moving to another door.

We set up to breach again this time setting up a breaching charge on the door. Midas detonates it and we move in as time seems to slow down.

I aim left and shoot a mask who's running at me with a knife as Holt kills one of the insurgents, I shift my aim to the officer but am forced to duck behind a barrel as the last insurgent start shooting at me.

Weaver kills the insurgent with two shots to the chest and one in the head, I peak out of cover and see the office aiming a pistol at one of the rainbow operators. I pull the trigger hitting the office in the shower but I'm too late he had already shot one of the operators in the chest.

My bullet causes the officer to drop his pistol as Midas tackles him to the ground and zip ties his hands together.

"Holt you and midas take the officer down the tunnel and find a way outside then call medevac, Weaver free these men I'll handle the one that got shot."

Mozzie's POV

I hear one of the Americans approach me as the sack on my head is taken off and I can finally see. "Fuckin took you guys long enough." I say before looking at my squad all getting up before I see the American in the red shirt walk towards eagle.

My blood runs cold as i realize eagle isn't moving. The others must've seen my reaction because the turned towards eagle as nomad took the sack off of his head. I stand up and begin to shout before the man in the blue hoodie starts pushing me away from eagle.

"Listen I know you're mad but you all need to follow me outside nomad will try to help your friend but we need to get you all out of here please follow me." Weaver says as he keeps pushing me away from eagle.

Time skip 5 minutes

We exited the cave where the two other Americans were waiting with the officer the tortured us. I was glaring at the officer before walking towards him but Blackbeard grabbed me and pulled me over to the side.

"I know you want to kill him I do too but we need that piece of shit for Intel just wait caveira will make him suffer later."

He said to me as he made me sit down on some rocks. Just as I sat down I looked over at the cave and saw noman walking out while holding eagle up as eagle tried to walk. He laid Eagle down on the ground before walking over the the rest of his squad to talk to them.

Holt left the group and went to eagle trying to stop the bleeding at the other three begin arguing about the medevac that still wasn't here.

Nomad grabbed the radio and began shouting into it, "We don't have five minutes he won't survive that long what the hell is taking so long. I don't care do what you have to do just hurry up." He said before throwing the headset down.

"We're losing him Nomad!" Holt shouted as he tried to keep eagle awake. They propped him up against a rock but eagle lost consciousness and fell over. They sat him up again and tried to wake him up again.

Eagle woke up after a few seconds and began apologizing repeatedly under his breath before he passed out again. "God damnit Midas help Holt keep him awake."

Several minutes passed before we could see a Chinook off in the distance approaching our location, when it landed medics came out and put eagle on a stretcher and carrying him inside as we all sat down.

Everything seemed slow as I watched the medics try to save eagle the hooked him up for an IV and was performing chest compressions trying to keep his heart beat but after a few minutes the stopped and sat in silence before pulling a blanket over eagle and sitting down.

Blackbeard lived the blanket up and grabbed eagle's dog tags before handing them to me, "This isn't how it ends." He said as I took the dog tags out of his hands before responding, "No, no it isn't."

R6 x Army Ranger Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now