thirteen; the teen battle

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━━━the teen battle


It had taken Callahan years to be where she was now, years of training and practice and burning herself on the rock wall. Then, she got dragged into the War of the Great Prophecy, fought by Percy and Annie's side, and beat the fuck out of those assholes. Her twin blades were covered in the yellow dust of all the monsters she killed, and she yelped when the blade of a roman boy almost nicked her torso. There was a hole in her shirt where the blade had slipped by.

"Dude!" She scoffed, swinging her hilt down on the gold of his helmet, "I liked that shirt!"

She scoffed and moved on, jogging over to Percy and swinging the flat on her blade across another Roman's face, "what's the plan, Percy?"

Percy stared at her, eyes wide and ignoring the people around her. Callahan blinked once, arching a brow at Percy's gaping face. His cheeks were pink, mouth wide open, and he was staring at her like she was from Olympus above.

Callahan smirked and winked at the poor boy, grin growing when he blinked out of his stare and swallowed at her.

"Percy?" She turned and dodged another oncoming swing, "what's the plan?"

The boy nodded at the approaching Romans, pointing with the tip of his blade before slamming it across the face of another teenage boy.

"we defend."

Callahan snorted, "yeah, we defend." She swallowed down a few nerves and glanced at Percy as he fought through their enemies. He didn't kill, unlike the Romans none of them were trying to, but he whirled and kicked and slashed through the ranks of oncoming teens. She ran after the beautiful boy and threw herself into the thick of it, dodging enemy swipes and slashes. All of them were aiming to kill, which disgusted Cal, but she ignored the burning in the back of her brain and did her best at keeping their enemies at bay.

"You know," yelled Piper from across the deck, "we can't keep them away from the ship forever!"

Callahan groaned from the nick of another person's blade and nodded, "yeah we need more."

That's when Jason turned up, flying through the air like a fucking superhero. Callahan grinned,

"YES." She threw a staff at a Roman advancing on their ship, "FINALLY."

Jason grinned as he landed beside her.

"what's the plan?"

"We defend." She turned to Percy and narrowed her eyes at the boy, "you know, you two could really kick-ass if you wanted."

Jason nodded and ran over to Percy, and Callahan was left grinning as she kept the Roman teens at bay.

When the water started to boil and the sky turned grey, Callahan knew Percy and Jason were working together. The boys stood in the middle of the deck with crossed swords, commanding their elements to protect the Argo II. Their eyes were closed, whole beings focused on the protection of the team and their ship, and so neither of them noticed running toward them on the dock.

Callahan did, though, and she ran fast to the gangplank, thrusting a hand out to pull her girlfriend onto the boat. Once Annabeth was clear of falling off and the gangplank had fallen into the thrumming waters below, Cal turned to Leo and screamed at him to start the ship.

The engine churned and rumbled, oars pulling and pushing water beneath them as the ship made to leave. Jason changed the wind's course and Percy summoned a massive wave that pushed them out to sea. By the time the Argo II reached top speed, Fort Sumter was only a blot in the distance, and they were racing across the waves toward the ancient lands.


Callahan heaved a sigh and threw herself onto the wooden planks, laid there, and stared up at the clearing grey skies. Beside her Annie laughed breathlessly, pushing her messy blonde curls away. Callahan grabbed her hand and pressed it to her lips, kissing the suntanned skin there and humming softly she whispered,

"We're actually heading to the ancient lands? To Rome and Greece?"

Annabeth nodded in response, lips pulling down just a little bit at the mention of their plans. A pair of footsteps walked past them, and Cal pulled her head up to watch Jason walk by with a small smile and she turned to find Percy standing at the helm of the ship, watching the waves go by.

"I should--"

"oh, definitely."

━━━the teen battle


A/N: sorry for the short chapter lovies, but I love cliffhangers!🤪

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