seventeen; I'll be okay

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━━━I'll be okay


Annabeth and Percy hadn't left Callahan's bedside since Percy breached the water's surface with Cal's limp body. Their vigil had lasted 2 hours, 32 minutes, and 12 seconds so far, and too much nectar and ambrosia had gone into her pale throat. If they gave her anymore she could burst into flames, dissolve into a little pile of ash, so now they simply had to wait for her to wake up. 

"Please, Lucky." Percy was brushing her drying hair out of her face, hands shaking just a little. 

"She'll wake up, Percy." Annie was standing behind him with her lip between her teeth, "She'll be fine." 

Neither of them could tell who she was trying to convince; herself, Percy, or Callahan. Maybe all three. 

She swallowed and stepped back into the hallway, watching Percy through the doorway and focusing on the soft rocking of the Argo. Piper approached her quietly, her braid swinging into Annie's vision when she leaned on the doorway to check on Cal. 

"How is she?" She whispered, her kaleidoscope eyes fixed on the soft points on Cal's neck. It took Annie a second to realize she was watching her pulse. 

"She should be fine," Annie replied, leaning back against the wall, "She's strong. She'll be fine." 

Piper nodded and stepped back to join Annie, "yeah, she will be." 

Annie watched Percy curl his long fingers around Cal's, 

"yeah," She whispered, "She better be." 


The whole world looked like a desert mirage when Cal's eyes blinked open. The light above swung slightly, dancing in and out of her vision with its spidery long legs blurring the edges. 

Cal groaned, heaving her body over the side of the bed to throw up. 

"SHIT!" A boy's voice broke through the fuzz covering Cal's ears, "Cal!" 

She flopped back down onto the mattress and blinked when a face, messy and out of focus, hovered over hers. Her throat hurt from the throw-up. 

"Cal, baby?" 

It took her a second to realize Percy was staring down at her, brow furrowed with concern, and she smiled weakly. 


Percy's chuckle was watery, his green eyes blinking tears back, "hi." He brushed a hair out of her face, smiling when she turned to catch his warmth, "you're finally awake." 

Cal's throat burned, dry and scorched from throwing up, and she pulled herself up with Percy's hands resting on her shoulder. 

"Could you--?" 

He nodded and handed the water to her, hand cupping her back as she leaned back to swallow down the water. It was cold and welcomed as it ran down her throat, soothing her burning. 

"What happened?" 

"You almost drowned," Annie's voice broke the awkward silence, "according to Hazel, for the second time too." 

Percy stiffened, swallowing down a growing sense of shame and turning to smile weakly at Annie. 

Callahan snorted roughly, breathing heavily after, "Yeah well, I didn't mean to both times." 

Annie shook her head and stepped forward, resting her hand on her shoulder and leaning down to kiss her forehead, "yeah I know, but we're gonna have to talk about this. Soon." 

Cal nodded and groaned, pressing her palm onto her stomach. 

"What'd the doc say?" 

"two broken ribs," Percy leaned forward to grab her hand, pressing his chapped lips into the skin, "and a lot of bruises." 

"Could be worse?" 

"Yeah, a lot worse." Annie responded, pulling back to smile lightly, "you'll be fine, just on the mend." 

Cal nodded and leaned back, smiling at the two in front of her. 

Percy pushed forward, opening his hand to show off a deck of cards, "Well, we always wanted Annie to teach us poker." 

Callahan grinned at him, gesturing at the blanket in front of her for the two of them to sit. Annie huffed and grabbed the cards, curling against the soft blankets as she set out the cards. 

"so, you start with five...." 

━━━I'll be okay


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