twenty-three; dream sequence

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━━━dream sequence


"I tried to warn you."

Tyche's voice was loud, echoing off everything around her as the goddess stood in front of her. Her hair, thick and black, was coiled up in a tight bun at the crown of her head, silks swirling around her as she descended the marble steps.

Callahan was in a throne room belonging to her mother. Everything was made of gold and marble, symbols of lucky cards and four-leaf clovers decorating every carved surface of the gigantic room. She swallowed and stepped back, bare feet whispering on the cold marble.

"I tried to warn you." Tyche ignored Callahan, stepping forward and around her daughter's body, dress tickling the teen's arm, "I tried to warn you, and you didn't listen."

Tyche rubbed her temples, "Why didn't you just listen, Hye-Jin?"

Callahan rubbed her fingers along her throat, watching as her mom whispered to herself.

"Hye-Jin, if you could just listen to me, understand that I'm trying to protect you!"

"Protect me from what?" Callahan asked, stepping back from the goddess in front of her. The air was thick with tension, and Tyche's eyes weren't all there. She seemed half-crazed, and Callahan swallowed. She didn't stand a chance against her, should her mom attack.

"Darling, protect you from him!" She shrieked, "IT's all him! You're doomed for as long as you're with them!"

She was in front of her, spidery thin fingers wrapped around Cal's wrist and squeezing, "mom, you're hurting me."

"Why can't you understand?" Tyche's other hand came up and pushed her back, fingers cold against the damp of her hairline, "I'm trying to help you, my daughter."


"I'm doing this to help you." The goddess's fingers burned into Cal's skin, "Please, understand that I'm doing this to help you."

The world turned black.


"Signora, questa è una panchina pubblica. Non puoi dormire qui."

Callahan gasped, yanking her body away from the strange hand and groaning as her body thudded onto the concrete ground.

Wait, concrete?

She pushed herself up and blinked, there wasn't supposed to be sunlight and concrete in the ship?

"Where--where am I?" She muttered, shoving her hair out of her face and squinting up at the man looming in front of her.

"lei è a Roma, signora." The officer replied, offering her a hand and pulling her up.

"Wait, Rome?" Callahan swallowed and turned, "How am I--how am I in Rome?"

The officer was staring, his hand drifting toward the radio on his shoulder. She had to get away from him before she could figure out whatever the fuck was going on.

"Excuse me, sir." she gave a stiff and cold smile, almost tripping as she backed away from the dark-haired man, "I need to go. Sorry about all of this."

She turned and disappeared into the crowded streets before the man could stop her.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?" Callahan muttered to herself as she melded into the flow of traffic, following the Italians as they commuted to wherever they needed to be.

She swallowed down the rising feeling of acid, anger boiling her veins as she sweated beneath the hot sun.

Tyche was gonna pay.

She turned off the main road into a smaller alleyway as soon as the crowd thinned, her feet catching on the uneven cobble. She fell, again, and swore under her breath.

Callahan decided to just lay there for a minute, squinting up at the hot sun as her boiling anger turned into a simmer. Once her veins cooled off, she pushed herself up onto her knees and crawled into the street corner, ignoring the smell of hot sewage rising from the ground beside her.

    The girl used the corners to push herself up and into a standing position, leaning against the wall.

    "Tyche?" she whispered, "please. What the fuck did you do?"

━━━dream sequence


a/n: god this is short....but UH OH WHAT DID TYCHE DO THIS TIME?


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