Chapter Twenty Six

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Risotto paused at the edge of the doorway, looking at the three of you huddled against each other. "Y/n, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Both Illuso and Formaggio opted to protest as you slid from the warmth of the blankets, and the two.

Risotto motioned for you to follow him, and led you to his office. The noise faded as he shut the door behind you, sighing deeply.

"Is something the matter?" A twinge of worry bit at you.

Risotto dropped into his chair, his head cradled in his hands. After a few moments of silence, you approached him. Without warning, Risotto rose from his chair to wrap his arms tightly around you.

"...Risotto?" A wave of surprise washed over you as he pulled you into his chest. Your head rested on him, moved repeatedly by his deep breaths.

His arms only tightened, "it worries me to see you with them." He confessed as you felt yourself involuntarily melting into him. "I know they're important to you, and I'd risk my life for all of them, but I fear they could end up hurting you."

"I don't think they'd ever hurt me," you reason.

"Not physically, no. Just," he paused. Now it was you who tightened your arms around him, clinging to him as if you were each other's lifeline. "Be careful who you risk having the chance to hurt you. I would do anything to protect you."

You both remained in a desperate embrace for a few minutes. A knock rasped on the door, "what do you need?" Risotto called, not budging.

"We were just looking for you and y/n," Pesci's voice came from the other side of the door.

"You know where we are now, so leave."

You wanted to scold him, to tell him to be nicer with Pesci and the others, but you didn't have the strength to speak.

Eventually Risotto spun you to sit you on his desk, leaving you still in arm's reach as he smiled at you, a warm action. You took quick notice to his wandering eyes and reached for his collar. He gave in only briefly, his face not even touching yours before he pulled back. He rested his hand on your cheek, and you could sense the desire from that simple action. Yet, he stepped away.

He turned to leave, hand curled around the door handle as he paused, "if you need something, I'm always here."

Your mouth was moving faster than your thoughts, "Ris wait."

His hand fell back to his side as you slid from the desk and approached him. You didn't know what to expect, Risotto to fulfill what you craved, or you to do so for him, but it wasn't either of those things.

Instead, you grabbed his hand and squeezed, resisting the urge to do anymore.

"I wish I was the only one who could touch you."

With that, he left the room promptly, leaving you awestruck and with a sense of something missing.


Ch 27 Preview

He seemed to accept this answer, though only half heartedly. Ghiaccio rose to meet you, glaring. "I really hope we can discuss the other things I want from you soon."

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