Chapter Fifteen

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"D-Doppio!" You called out, coughing as you jogged up to him, falling into him with a sigh.

"Y/n?! Where were you? Everyone is looking for you."

"How'd you find out I was gone?" You questioned, ignoring him.

"Trish; now come on let's go back." He urged, his arm wrapped around you and leading you down the sidewalk. "Narancia is just around this corner."

'Nara?' His teary eyes flashed through your mind as you tugged at Doppio's shirt. "Can we-"

"Doppio?" The cheery boy's voice flooded the area, his footsteps nearing as you flung you and Doppio behind a building.

"What the-" Doppio began, your hand immediately flying to his mouth.

"Please?" You frighteningly begged. He reluctantly nodded, dusting himself off and exiting the alley to speak to Narancia.

"I'll keep looking over here." You heard him holler, returning to you and helping you up. "Look, you've got a lot of explaining to do."

"Yeah," You agreed.

- - -

Doppio soon snuck you back to his house, his father at work as you held your grass stained knees to your chest. "So, what happened?" He calmly spoke, rubbing circles on your back.

"I...I messed up and I hurt two of the most important people to me." You whined, holding back small sobs while sniffling. "I can't face them."

"What'd you do? And you still never told me where you were." His hand continued to rub your back as you sighed loudly.

"I don't wanna talk about it." You pouted, continuing to explain the last few events with the strangers and Risotto.

"W-What?! We have to tell the police!" He urged, you quickly shaking your head.

"No, they're under their control anyway. Plus.." You started, taking a long intake of crisp air. "They really never did anything to me." You admitted, they were surprisingly kind, maybe they pitied you but that wasn't a bother to you.

"I have to let the others know you're safe, I'll tell them you're staying with me for the night if it'll make you feel better but we can't let them lose sleep again." You agreed, leaning slightly onto his shoulder as he opened a gc, his lovable blush returning when your eyes met.

"I should probably go home to my mom though." You remarked after he finished texting them, your h/c falling over your eyes annoyingly.

"It can wait." He convinced you, pulling a tufty white blanket over you with a comforting smile. "I'll take you home in an hour, okay?" He promised, you nodding along as he flipped on the tv. He quietly side hugged you, a matching scarlet blush on both your faces.

- - -

You felt a gentle shake from your shoulder as your eyes drifted open. "Hey, you ready to go?" Doppio whispered sweetly, helping you out to the car as you shivered with the sudden change of temperature.

Doppio was just pulling the silver car's door open when a pair of arms tackled you to the ground. You huffed into a wad of pink hair and grinned, arms snaking around Trish. She nearly jumped off you, tugging you up and demanding answers. "I'll explain after I drop y/n off." Doppio cut in, closing you into the car and giving Trish a quick hug.

- - -

An awkward silence had befallen within the car as you watched the hills roll by, your left hand icy between the seats. Doppio glanced over, one of his soft hands drifted off the wheel and over yours, soon holding it. It was more of a friendly gesture, no fingers interlocked as your attention turned to him. "It'll be okay, your mom will be thrilled to see you safe." You managed a crooked smile.

"...But what about my friends?"

"What happened with them? They'll be just as excited as Trish." He reassured, pulling onto your street.

"I..I kissed one of them and the other saw and he was crying and I...I'm not even sure of my feelings and you're here now." You croaked out with no filter.

"Just explain it to them, it'll be okay. ..I'm here now?" He questioned, an embarrassed blush on your faces. You strategically stayed quiet, squeezing his baby soft hand as he turned into your driveway. "Need me to come in?"

"Don't worry about it, thanks for everything." You beamed, your hand slipping out of his as you plopped out of the car.

- - -

"Hi mo-" She plowed into you, enveloping you in a suffocating hug.

"Where were you?!" She demanded.

"I uh, went to a friend's house and my phone died oh and I accidentally fell asleep after that." You fibbed, knowing how sour she gets with mentions of your dad.

Surprisingly believing you, she stroked your hair and released you, "make sure to tell me next time." You nodded, yawning. "Now get some rest you have school tomorrow." She scolded, knocking you down the hall.

Chuckling, you turned into you room, about to peel off your old clothes as someone cleared their throat. "Giorno?!" You yelped, tugging your dirty shirt back down.

"Need me to leave?" He offered, you immediately shutting him down.

"It's fine, I'm exhausted anyway." You huffed, jumping next to him belly first and immediately get shoved off by Giorno. "Hey!"

"Change your clothes or I'm not staying." He demanded, a childish smirk plastered on his face. You agreed, tossing the blanket over his head as you discarded your black shirt for a Minecraft one featuring Steve with a diamond pickaxe saying, "Creeper aw man." You mouthed the words to yourself as you pulled on plain pajama pants.

( ty for the shirt idea @weebanese @1-800-sendnudes )

You fell back on the bed, tugging the blanket off Giorno's head and over you. "You gonna explain what happened yet?" He collided against you, slipping under the covers. "We searched for hours."

"Who's we?"

"All of us, what did you expect?" Your back lay against his torso as you curled up tiredly.

"Even Fugo?" You spun, your arms quietly wrapping around his body and squeezing as you shut your eyes.

"Yeah, why wouldn't he?" He used his free hand to twist your h/c locks as you both drifted off to sleep.


Ch 16 Preview

"..You always know how to calm me down. Look, just tell me when you figured your feelings out." Fugo sighed, walking back to class with you.

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