Chapter Six

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As soon as the doorbell's ding radiated throughout the house you took your leave from your mom's train load of teasing to welcome Narancia in. "Hi my little orange!" Your face immediately brightening up as you closed the door behind him.

"Your little orange?" Your mom snickered behind you, causing Narancia's face to heat up in embarrassment.

"Mom." You warned as she sighed and strolled into the kitchen to begin dinner.

"Y/n, I know your mom's making dinner but do you wanna get out of the house a bit before?" Narancia whispered from behind you, tapping your shoulder lightly. You nodded and grabbed your phone from the coffee table, turning to your busy mom before shutting the door.

"We're just going for a walk, be back before dinner!" Your voice was cut short by the door closing in your wake.

- - -

About five minutes into your chatter filled stroll you two happened upon an icy river. Narancia could tell you were still on edge though he didn't know why, but nonetheless he wanted you to relax so he may or may not have sent you flying into the water.

Luckily you had gained back your balance before you would've tumbling head first into the shallow river, "Nara!" You yelped, determined to throw him in for revenge as you stomped back to him in your soggy shoes.

"Yes y/n?" He questioned, pulling out his most innocent face. You shot him a playful glare and trudged through the slowly rushing water to the bank.

"Your turn!" You chuckled, clutching his arm in your hand and tugging; successfully knocking him into the water. Narancia frowned at his now soaked shoes.

"Y/n! These are my favorite shoes!" He pouted, giving you an opening to attack once more. You charged at him, determined to push him in until your s/c arms extended, and he side stepped clear of them. "You gotta be quicker than that!" (I'm so sorry, I had to.)

With a slight gasp you watched your inevitable descent play out, the chilly water of the river awaiting your arrival. "Narancia! Unfair!" You coughed as your h/c hair broke through the surface, the clear water lapping around you.

"What? You charged at me, I was just protecting myself!" He laughed, reaching out his small hand towards you. You took it without a second doubt and took another step towards the black hairs boy, your foot immediately colliding with a jagged rock lodged deep in the river and launching you forward. Before you could prepare to be engulfed in the freezing stream again, you were met with Narancia's chest. You both grunted as he stabilized you, your face smashed awkwardly against his chest as you felt a familiar heat rising. "Are you okay y/n?"

Attempting to mumble a 'yes', you buried your flushed face into his chest, inevitably making it worse. "Y/n, if you wanted a hug so bad you could've just asked!" You could visualize his bubbly grin clearly as his arms wrapped around you tightly, pulling you further into the boy. You couldn't suppress a smile of your own as you slung your arms up and around his torso, holding on until he broke off. "I didn't wanna pry, but what happened with Mista?" He locked eyes with you, his purple orbs gazing into yours.

- - -

You and Narancia had eventually sat along the river bank, your clothes damp in the light breeze with your shoulders lightly leaning against one another as you explained the situation in detail, your voice dropping at the minor attack part. "I don't want you to worry." You finished, sighing heavily as he did the same.

"I'm gonna worry y/n, I care about you, Mista too. If you both got hurt I have to do something!" He began, coughing a bit as he continued. "Even if I can only give you breakfast, or get you an ice pack, I'll take care of you." A light dusting of blush washed over your content features, Narancia had never been this sincere but you couldn't help but relax with every word.

"Nara?" You could feel his body shift against yours to face you.


"I'm sorry. It feels like we haven't had a moment alone since we first met." You huffed, blowing a strand of h/c h/l out of your eye as you spun around, face to face with your newfound friend. "I-I can tell it frustrates you so I wanted to apologize and make it up to you." He smiled warmingly and tossed himself back onto the soft grass.

"It's okay, we're here now." He sighed, waiting for you to inevitably plop next to him, and you did.

- - -

"You know Narancia, I was beginning to worry [pronouns] didn't have any other friends beside Giorno." Your mom chuckled as your slurped up the last noodle of your ramen with a glare. "But I'm glad [pronouns] does." She finished, not daring enough to continue.

"Don't worry, Mrs.L/n! Y/n has plenty of friends!" Narancia beamed.

"Ms.L/n." Your mom corrected, causing you to flinch.

"S-sorry." Narancia stuttered between mouthfuls of ramen. You had already finished your dinner and you were propped up against your elbow, absentmindedly staring into space, which happened to be Narancia's direction.

"So, what's your relationship with my [daughter/son/child]?" Your mom interjected, finishing up the remains of her bowl as Narancia glanced up innocently.

"Oh, we're just friends for now!" You felt the ruby blush you were well accustomed to rise quickly while replaying his words in your head. "Oh we're just friends for now." "For now."

Before you could try to sort your thoughts, your mom interjected with a cheeky grin plastered over her features. "For now, eh? You have some competition boy." She finished, snatching up all three of your ceramic bowls in one arm swing and leaving her seat vacant at the table.

"Who?" He continued, curiosity and jealousy he was unaware of prominent on his face.

His question was left unanswered, for there were too many answers.


Ch 7 Preview

"Y/n, why are you sharing with Mista?" Giorno questioned from your left out of curiosity, before you could answer Mista cut in.

"I'm y/n's boyfriend, it's part of my job to make sure [pronouns] is well fed." He smirked, slinging his arm around you as all the eyes on the table shot over.

My apologies for lack of other character interaction besides Giorno and Narancia, I promise more will be coming very soon. (Fun fact my sleep deprived ass wrote chapters 1-5 in one night and I guess I was in an orange mood.)

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