Bucciarati Ending-Hospital Happenings

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"Hurry up y/n, I'm gonna be late for work if you want to get dropped off you gotta come now!" Your mom hollered from the living room, causing to you stumble out with only one converse tied.

"So do you know the way to Bucciarati's house?" Your mom kindly spoke once you buckled in, giving you mental whiplash.

"Uh huh," you pulled it up on maps as she started off.

- - -

"Can you get the chapstick I dropped dear? It should have rolled along to your side by now." You nodded, smiling as your mom drove up to a stop light, it illuminating green on your hair.

Your s/c hand clasped around the tube as a junky car slammed into your side of your vehicle, the force knocking your head into the jutted out radio as screeches tore at your ear. You felt the door of the car slightly bend in but it soon stopped, a small glass shard ticking against your arm as your vision blurred.

- - -

Your eyelids fluttered open, a doctor with a burly brown mustache standing beside the crappy hospital bed. "Hello, can you hear me?" You nodded, throughly confused before remembering the crash.

"Y/n, I'm Dr.Lopin. You probably have a lot of questions so I'll try to summarize quickly." He smiled gently, "I'm sure you remember the car crash, your mom is more than okay and all you have is a minor concussion. You can leave tomorrow morning. Now uh, your friends tried brute force to get in, can I send them in? Please." He nearly begged, drowsiness latched onto his words as you quickly nodded, taking everything in.

A minute after he left your parade of odd friends jumbled in, Narancia's small frame allowing him to quickly snake up to you. "Y/n are you okay?!" They all bursted out at once, Narancia plopping to your side as they all soon piled in near him, Bucciarati out of sight.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine just confused." You reassured, rubbing your temples as your head meekly pounded every now and then.

"We were all worried, Bucciarati especially." Giorno peeped from at the foot of your bed.

"Where is he?" You politely demanded, fluffing up Narancia's hair as he beamed at you.

"In the waiting room, he sorta...blames himself." Giorno answered, the others sighing.

"Can you please get him? After this of course." You gave him a flash of puppy dog eyes as he nodded, leaving with the group after you all had a few moments of reuniting.

The door slowly creaked open, a worried Bucciarati stepping in, his hair messy for once. You quickly sat up, slinging your legs over the edge and pulling the hospital gown comfortingly over your knees. "Are you sure you should be sitting?" He rushed to your side, you shaking your head and tugging him down into a bear hug.

"Bucciarati, the others told me and you need to know it wasn't your fault at all. I'm barely even hurt." He struggled to pull away, resulting in him plopping you down on the bed with him crashed next to you. "Please don't blame yourself." You pleaded, sliding onto your side and facing him as he attempted to get back up.

"...You were coming to my house, how could I not blame myself and it's nowhere near your fault."

"Nope, it's the guy who didn't use his brakes' fault." You beamed, about to sit criss cross as Bucciarati quickly prevented you from doing so.

"You don't have anything underneath, remember?" Your legs quickly shot shut as you half chuckled to ease the embarrassment.

"Anyway you need to get rest." Bucciarati cooed, his stark blue eyes disappearing in yours.

"Will you be here when I get up?" You interrogated, pulling the thin hospital sheet farther over your shivering shoulders.

"Of course." He promised, leaning over you with his lips brushing over your now closed eyes in a caring gesture. As he drifted back up to his standing position he peered down at you, your face striking red. "Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" He urged worriedly.

"N-no! I'm fine." You grinned.

"You sure? You look a tad- a lot red. Oh, o-oh I didn't mean to, I'm so-"

Your finger drifted over his mouth as you shook your head, "wanna grab lunch tomorrow? My treat." You ignored your deepened blush, proud of yourself for finally saying something.

"I'll pick you up." He winked, stepping out of the room and leaving you grinning ear to ear by yourself, that is until your mom basically broke the door down.

"Honey how are- WHAT HAPPENED?" She scurried to your side, holding your blazing cheeks as you groaned.

"I got a date." Her excitement was deafening.

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