Chapter Two

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"Y/n?" The neat boy inquired, stepping up to you. "Giorno told me about you, would you like to come sit with us?" He continued, his comforting nature calming you immensely as you nodded.

"T-thank you." You managed to whisper, trailing behind him as you two weaved through masses of high schoolers, eventually arriving to a group of oddly dressed teenage boys and one slender girl with bubblegum hair. You greeted them with a smile, choosing to sit near the three junior's you knew already.

"Y/n! Want some?" Narancia grinned, holding out an orange slice for you. You smiled in thanks and bit into it, contentment washing over your features as you noticed a boy smirking over at you two, his colorful hat gaining your attention.

"Oi, I heard you and our dear Narancia showed up late together, huh? What were you two up to?" The boy's smirked only grew as he wiggled his brown eyebrows comically, a fiery blush erupting on your face as you spit out the orange slice with a series of coughs.

The guy looming in the corner with long ashy hair eyed you weirdly but didn't say a word as Narancia slammed his hand down on your back, scared you were choking. "I'm so proud of our little Narancia for finally getting some action." He chuckled, causing you to hide your now tomato face in your hands awkwardly.

The pink haired girl slapped his arm harshly, "get your mind out of the gutter Mista." She took a deep breath and turned to you with a warm smile, "I'm Trish, nice to meet you."

You lifted your head, a pink layer still dusting your features prominently but you smiled nonetheless and managed to speak. "Y/n, it's great to meet you too, and everyone else who managed to put up with Giorno over the years." You laughed, earning a glare from your best friend.

"Hey! You love me and you know it." He huffed, turning away from you as you chomped at your fries, trying to distract yourself from the quick rising heat on your face. His arm brushed against your own and you only then realized how close you were to both him and Narancia, who happened to still have his hand resting on your back as he finished his orange with a grin at you.

How is he not embarrassed? He seemed completely unbothered, despite a slight blush, but you on the other hand wanted to die right then and there out of pure and utter embarrassment.

"It'd be rude not to introduce ourselves, I'm Bucciarati." The boy who had rescued you from the mucky corner of the lunchroom offered you another welcoming smile. "After all, Giorno's told us so much about you." You looked over at Giorno, meeting his eyes immediately, he was never the type to be ashamed of being caught staring.

"I- uh, nice to meet you." You stuttered.

"[Pronouns] embarrassed, cute." Mista grinned, but you didn't catch any sarcasm in his sentence, so why'd he call me cute? A satisfactory smile eased onto his features as yet another layer of blush spread along your cheeks, but he would be lying to himself if he denied the fact he found you being flustered, well cute.

"You're annoying." The tall guy in the corner huffed at Mista, his black coat laying like fresh snow on his body. "You can call me Abbacchio." He said bluntly, glancing towards you as you shot him an awkward smile.

"I'm Trish." The pink haired girl smiled, her exposing outfit had been covered by a plain grey jacket from the lost and found, as commanded by the principal. "If Mista tries to pull anything on you, let me know." She winked, her pink lips curving up into a smile.

"I'm a senior so you shut it sophomore." He barked at Trish, shooting you a wink too, but this one was a bit more..suggestive.

Before you could add anything to the fire, the bell rang, muffled by the yelling of other rambunctious high schoolers. Giorno offered to take you to your next class when Mista stepped in. "[Pronouns] class is right by mine, I'll take y/n." He smiled down at you, admiring your short height.

Trish and the others to came to intervene but you shrugged them off, "he's right." You only mumbled, allowing him to be your human shield against all the pushy kids.

- - -

"Oh and y/n?" Mista turned to you, his hand dwelling on the silver doorknob of the math classroom.

"Yeah?" You smiled, having casual small talk in the hallways had indicated to you that Mista really didn't hide any bad intentions, he just wanted to catch you off guard, maybe.

"Cute sweater." With that, he pulled the wooden door into you, disappearing through it as your face flushed ruby. Mentally cursing yourself for getting flustered this easily, you stomped into class, annoyed with yourself at this point.

"Class, meet our new student, y/n please introduce yourself."

- - -

The final bell rung and you practically leapt out of your seat, after this noisy first day back you could finally relax at home with Giorno. You were desperate for something familiar in your life, and some much needed sleep. "Giorno!" You called, slinging you f/c bag over your shoulder and jogging up to him gleefully.

"Ready to go?" He asked. You nodded and fell into rhythm with his steps, matching his every move as you always did. He only smiled down at the action and glanced over at you with his glimmering blue orbs. "What did you think of them? I'm sorry if they overwhelmed you."

"Don't worry Giorno! I think they're...great but definitely a bit bizarre." You sighed, fiddling with your hands. "Honestly, they're all sweet so don't lose sleep on it." You could visibly see the relief wash over his face as you spoke those words. "D-do you think that Abbacchio guy hates me?" You muttered self consciously, he hadn't done much but his whole aura seemed cold and distant.

"The others say he'll come around, can't say from personal experience yet." Giorno chuckled, his smile lifting the whole atmosphere as you turned the corner, steps still in sync as the school vanished from sight.


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Your mother smiled warmingly at Giorno, "good to see you Giorno." She bit back a bigger grin that was threatening to form at the sight of you two cuddled up. "You two finally confess?" She asked bluntly, leaning against the doorway.

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