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"You see... The Dark Queen and I are In a relationship..."

"... Huh...?"

Kazuichi stared at them two and started laughing, "you guys are fucking with me, right? There is no way in hell-..." He paused, "... Okay...i-i approve..." He lied.

"... Ah! An honor! It really is Kazuichi!" Sonia smiled, grabbing his hands, "..."

"I'm glad you handled it well!"

Kazuichi nodded his head and forced a grin, "y-yeah... Of course! I would never let you guys down, you know that!"

- after school, at Kazuichis house-

He ran to his room and slammed it shut..

"Dammit! Why?! I try so hard to not annoy you and you still choose her! Why?!" He shouted in his pillow, tears falling down his cheek, "... I-... I tried so hard... And I still don't get any-...ergh..."

He turned, his back on his bed, "...I can't have anything... I want one thing... I just wanted him... And.... A-And-... I can't get it..."

He closed his eyes and fell asleep...

- - - -

Kazuichi was sitting in class... Everyone's faces were scribbled out...

But one person...

Gundham Tanaka

"Look how perfect Gundham looks..." He thought, his face turning red...


"Pfft how pathetic! Keeping your attractions to me?! How disgusting! You yourself are sinning this very moment!"


"You heard me correct you fiend, you are disgusting and hideous! How will you ever think I like you?!"

".. I-... I was just hoping! I swear! I know you wouldn't like me! Ever! I know you have a girl-"

"Yes, and she is far better than you!"

- - - -

Kazuichi immediately lifted his head up, his eyes were red and puffy, he started breathing heavily and started panting...

"Eh... " He whined, wiping his tears, "... That... Nightmare was right, I'll never win over Gundham..."

He scratched his cheek and shut his eyes closed, "... Everybody hates me... Including myself...."

He got out of bed and grabbed his brush, combing it through his hair, trying to fluff it up.


"Agh!" He groaned, "dammit... Hair tangles..." He started pulling the brush and watched some of his hair fall out and land on the floor, "...ugh, why the hell am I getting so much tangles... I should shower more often...- is that why he doesn't like me?"

"...i stink... I'm ugly-... And Miss Sonia is-... "

"...way better than me..."

He threw his brush onto the floor and started cursing at himself...

"Damn nobody likes me..."

He locked his bedroom door and went to the bed, laying down on his side, his front hair blocking his vision...


"No... I have to be happy..." He whispered, a tear hitting his pillow, "I need to be happy, Miss Sonia is always happy so... I have to be happy for Gundham... " He wiped his tears and grabbed a tissue from the tissue box that was next to his bed.


"Im.... Fine... "

He lifted his sheets and smiled.

- - - -

"Hello Gundham" Sonia smiled, patting her boyfriend on the back, "ah, hello my dark queen, do you need help with any assistance...?"

"..." Her smile faded, "... I don't think Kazuichi had handled it well, we both know he has feelings for me...what if he lied..."

"Lied? About what exactly? Having his attractions towards you, or accepting out fate together?"

"I don't think he seems happy with us together..."

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