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Once arriving back at the estate, Nero found himself in front of an older Akiko. Sitting in the living room area of the estate. Nero and Akiko sat in awkward silence.



Akiko gripped her uniform and started the conversation.

Akiko: What happened ? Me, lady Kanae and Lady Shinobu ...we all waited for you to return.

Hearing this , Nero gave a slight bow.

Nero: I'm sorry, but I must ask how long was I gone ?

Akiko looked at him , then looked down at Yamato , then back up at him.

Akiko : If I have to say at least about 2 year at most.

Nero's thoughts : A 2 year has gone by! That ... that can't be !

Nero: Where's Kanae and Shinobu ?

Trying to get his bearing at this sudden development , being gone for 2 years much must have happened.

Akiko: At the moment they're on a mission, in a town not that far away from here. Also ....

Akiko went quiet for a minute , Nero waited for what she had to say.

Akiko: Also, I've joined the Slayer Corps .

She smiled after informing Nero about what happened, he simply nodded.

Nero : That's good , did u learn a breathing style or did u go in without one ?

Akiko begins to scratch the back of her head and lets out a small laugh.

Akiko: Well , you see I wasn't able to learn a style in time... So I only used what I had learned for the past several months. However , I'm still waiting for my Nichirin weapons to come in .

Nero : You said 'Weapons' , you're not getting a sword ?

She shook her head , as she got up the sound of a crow was heard .Looking over at the nearby opening , a crow had flown in pearching itself on a nearby shelf. Nero noticed a small note wrapped around it's leg.

Nero: That's weird , why does it have a note wrapped around it can't it talk?

Crow: Message for Akiko !

Nero :Nevermind...

Akiko approached the crow and removed the note from the crow . Once done the Crow flapped its wings and flew off.

Akiko: " Slayer Akiko , This is chief Tecchan of the swordsmith village. We currently have an issue with another's sword that demanded my attention , I must inform you that by me doing this your daggers that were requested will be put on hold until 2 months from now . " Seriously WHAT THE -

She was interrupted by the sound of another Crow , when it flew it landed on Nero's shoulder . Nero's Eyes widened at who it was , Chronos .

Nero : Chronos , it's been awhile. What's up?

Chronos began to rub it's head against Nero, shortly after .

Chronos : A message from The sword smith chief , Your sword is currently being worked on personally by himself . I put my other project on hold until this one is done . That is all .

Once he sent his message , Chronos began to flap his wings and make his way out of the estate.

Akiko : Nero...

Nero flinched at the tone his name was called , he slowly turned around to find Akiko giving a smile towards him . However what made him worry , was the feeling behind that smile.

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