Akiko's Mission// Dark Slayer

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It's been a few days since Nero and Kanae have left to go train under Vergil. Tanjiro was still under intensive medical care , Uzui had left the slayer corps due to some of his injuries . Inosuke and Zenistu were back to work within the weeks prior. Akiko was currently on a mission to kill some demons that had been spotted. She was alone on this mission , as she got closer to her destination . She begins to notice something was off...

Akiko: Everything around here is .... Moving slowly?

As she looked around , the animals in the surrounding area were moving very slowly.

Akiko: Is this a demon's blood art?

Somewhere around that same area, someone dressed in a black cloak was walking around. They removed their hood , revealing it to be Pyra.

Pyra: It's around here somewhere , this king has been asleep for a long time .... Time to wake him up.

As she continued looking around , the sky got darker and darker. She looks over at a nearby mountain.A smile appeared on her face.

Pyra: If he's big like the rest of them, a mountain will be the perfect place to hide.

As she began to make her way towards the mountain, pulled her hood up to hid her face.

< ??? >

V was walking around the dimension fortress as turns the corner , he noticed Akaza Training. Several training posts were completely destroyed . Akaza was down on one knee , breathing very heavily.

V: No matter how hard you train . you'll never be able to keep up with Nero...

Akaza turned slightly and looked over his shoulder.

Akaza: Lord Muzan gave me one more chance ... the next time I fight Nero . It's gonna be a do or die situation... Which means I must get stronger!!!

He slams his fist into the floor. V slowly walked over to him looking down at his fist. His fist was trembling with fear.

V: (Sigh)....What if I can help you....

Hearing V's offer to him , Akaza quickly turned around , looking at him.

Akaza: Y-You can make me stronger ?! How?!

V grabs his sword and slices the space next to them, forcing a gap in space to open. Revealing Several Devils emerging , V took a step to the side .

V: Kill these Devils and Eat them... once you do this, you'll be strong enough to kill Nero...

Akaza's eyes widened , shocked at the sight of the devils that were emerging from the hole V made. A smile appeared on his face and he charged in at them.

V leaned against the wall and waited for Akaza to finish his task.

< Real World>

As Akiko began making her way towards the mountain, she noticed that more of her surroundings were moving very , very slowly. Some of them weren't even moving at all.

Akiko: This isn't a demon's blood art... It's Something Else...

???: A devil's power is at work here and a very powerful one at that ...

Akiko's eyes widened at who was talking to her , she quickly reached for her dagger pulling it out . Being on her guard to her surprise she found no one.

???: I suggest you get out of here , the last thing that's needed is for this Devil to kill someone so weak...

Akiko closed her eyes to listen in on the voices' location.

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