Hatred or Something Else..

505 17 3

It's been several days since Nero's return from his long trip . He's currently inside the butterfly estate sitting with Kanae and Akiko as they enjoy the peace and quiet .

Kanae : I still can't believe that you ended up in the Demon World .... A place not many people want to end up when they die .

Nero : You're telling me , I still can't believe 2 years have passed and Akiko Joined the Demon Slayers .

Nero looked over at Akiko who is currently reading the Book about Night Breathing. Kanae smiled.

Kanae : Well she has a decent role model to look up to . plus it's like you said , she wants to help those that won't suffer the same fate as hers.

Nero was about to lay down until a caw sound was heard . He looked over and Chronos Came flying in and landed on his chest .

Nero: Hey, Chronos got a mission for me or is this just a visit ?

Chronos: Nero , you have a mission ! a very powerful demon has been sighted in a nearby town! You are to depart Immediately!

Chronos then turned his attention towards Kanae.

Kanae : You are to provide support for this mission Kanae Kocho !

She simply nodded , as Chronos began flapping his wings he flew further into the estate.

Shinobu: OWWW!

Chronos: Shinobu Kocho , you are to provide support for Nero in this mission! Start getting ready !

As Chronos flew out , Nero and Kanae laughed at the bit of Comedy that happened in the estate.

As Nero got up , he looked towards Akiko .

Nero: Akiko , guard the estate while we're away .

Akiko only nodded , not really paying attention to what Nero had just said.

As he exits the estate, he leaned against the doorway waiting for Kanae and Shinobu.

Nero: I wonder if it's a devil if they needed Kanae and Shinobu to come with.. Or is the demon that powerful just like Akaza and that other one?

As Nero ponders at the thought Kanae and Shinobu arrived .

Kanae : Ready?

Nero pulled out of his thoughts , looked over at the two and nodded .

Nero: Ready.

They leave to head for their destination.

< TimeSkip , Arriving outside of the area>

Arriving outside the area where the demon was supposed to be , Nero remained on the roof tops. As Kanae and Shinobu look around the town , Nero kept jumping from one roof top to another.

Nero: The mission states this demon likes woman , he doesn't eat men . It just kills them , but the woman ..why's that ?

As Nero kept jumping , he noticed Kanae entered a store .

Nero (Thought) : Why did she enter that store ?

Jumping down from the roof , he quickly makes his way to the store. He covers Yamato with his Haori to avoid any suspicions. As he enters the store , he ended up getting a strong smell of the wisteria.

Nero: A wisteria house ? No, what is this place?

Someone arrived to greet Nero as a customer .

Worker : Ahhh another guest , welcome welcome please come in, come in . I have flowers from my homeland far away from here .

Nero looked at the man .

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