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yoongs : hi this is the guy that posted abt the kids..

jin : oh hey!

yoongs : yh i need more friends and well yk you seem like you have the same struggles as me so i just thought i would message you

jin : oh that's fine !

jin : so you have two kids?

yoongs : well yeh, one is 17 and one is 19

jin : oh ! i have two 20 year olds and a 19 year old so it's not too bad

jin : i can imagine the 17 year old is a pain in the ass

yoongs : yes. doesn't go to school , doesn't do work, very rebellious

jin : oh can i ask how old you are...

yoongs : oh 21..

jin : oh i'm 22. looks like i'm older

yoongs : oh. well formalities it is

jin : ahah well yes that would be better

yoongs : so jin what do you do?

jin : oh i'm currently a premed student

yoongs : oo fun. i'm a pianist :)

jin : that's like complicated wtf

yoongs : it's a good paying job, i like it

jin : do ur fingers not hurt?

yoongs : no i wouldn't say so. it's my job after all ://

jin : you must have big hands

yoongs : yeah..

jin : how big? yk big hands are so useful

yoongs : uh idk they're not that big but they aren't that small either

jin : ahhh okay.

yoongs : what do you like?

jin : shopping. i'm not allowed to go shopping though

yoongs : oh- have you heard about that crazy guy who always gets kicked out? he seems like such a weirdo lol

jin : a weirdo ?

yoongs : yeah imagine getting kicked out of grocery stores, freak if you ask me

jin : ahhh...well yk maybe they are just a delinquent

yoongs : no a freak. it's so weird

jin : they might just really like grocery stores

yoongs : hmmmm are you defending them?

jin : no. well yes i am. they probably didn't even do anything. ur words are unkind

yoongs : it's the truth. my name is yoongi btw

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