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yoongs : you can't just randomly accept invitations to ppl's houses

kimtaehyung : why? he seems like a nice guy

yoongs : you don't know him tho tae

kimtaehyung : then how come jungkook gets to go to a guys party whos 3 years older than him ???

yoongs : well..

yoongs : it's a party. multiple ppl will be there

kimtaehyung : and he said u can come!! and that means there will be 6 ppl

jungkookie : lol stop tryna drag me into this bcus you can't go

kimtaehyung : uh no it's just not fair

jungkookie : right. like how nothing is fair in ur life even tho you get handed everything on a silver platter

kimtaehyung :'s not a gold one

yoongs : oh pls shut up. it's a saying for one and jungkook don't get cocky bcus i will gladly say no to ur request

yoongs : who's party is it?

jungkookie : this guy called jaebeom..why..

yoongs : no reason.


yoongs : no. when is it ?

jungkookie : uhh tomorrow i think

kimtaehyung : PLEASE

yoongs : taehyung. stop

yoongs : we are not going. plus ur grades are decreased like shit since moving schools. it's only be a week and you are already down to an A-

kimtaehyung : atleast i'm not failing

jungkookie : here you go again trying to insult me bcus someone is being rude to you

jungkookie : it's not going to work. you have always been told to be smart. i just happen to do amazing on the end of year tests

yoongs : which i congratulate u for bcus that's impressive

jungkookie : thank you :P

kimtaehyung : so i should be shit all year but then magically me good? that's not gonna work

kimtaehyung : i need to have good grades throughout the whole year

yoongs : well yes that would be preferable

yoongs : it's not like either of you are stupid

jungkookie : exactly. also yoongi when is the piano thing ?

yoongs : sunday

jungkookie : oo what occasion

yoongs : a christening

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