thirty two

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jungkookie : yoongi

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jungkookie : yoongi

jungkookie : yoongi?

kimtaehyung : what's wrong ? why do you need him ?

jungkookie : oh well...i just wanted to talk to him

kimtaehyung : okay...

jungkookie : where is he?

kimtaehyung : not here clearly. he's probs gone out for a walk or to the shops

jungkookie : hmm okay. i'll take ur word for it

kimtaehyung : u good jk?

jungkookie : yeahh it's just yk i always talk to yoongi so

kimtaehyung : wanna talk to me ?

jungkookie : nah it's okay dw

jungkookie : it was only abt this job he's getting me, u wouldn't get it

kimtaehyung : oh okay...well u can talk to me okay?

jungkookie : mhm. idk why i messaged the groupchat, that's silly of me

kimtaehyung : dw abt it

kimtaehyung : just ring him to see where he is. i gotta go to work

jungkookie : yep , bye


yoongs : u have been spam calling what's wrong ?

jungkookie : i had a panic attack in the shower today

yoongs : what? do you want me to come home ?

jungkookie : it's passed. i did what you told me to do. i sat in my bed wrapped up

yoongs : good. i'll be home in a few minutes. what happened? did u remember something ?

jungkookie : i thought of my mother.

yoongs : okay. don't worry okay? you are safe here.

jungkookie : thanks. i'll wait for u in the living room

yoongs : did taehyung ask?

jungkookie : yeah. i didn't say anything tho. i don't really want him knowing abt anything

yoongs : maybe u should let him know. he might be able to help u. especially when i'm not there

jungkookie : it's fine. i can sorta control them

yoongs : and when u can't ?

jungkookie : oh well ig

yoongs : let him help u

jungkookie : i said i'm good yoongi. now i'm gonna sit on the couch. don't be long

yoongs : jk i'll be there in a bit


jungkookie : it's not embarrassing right?

therapist : not at all. i doubt kim taehyung will say anything rude to you about your anxiety.

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