thirty seven

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joon : i'm done

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joon : i'm done

jin : what?

joon : wtf was that abt

jin : what? me meeting up with old friends ?

joon : more than meeting up with old friends

jin : joon

joon : seokjin.

jin : namjoon.

jin : it's not that deep

joon : what the fuck do you mean not deep?! he had his hands all over u.

jin : we are friends. i've always been handsy with ppl and so is he


joon : u don't let other men touch u like that

jin : namjoon i promise it wasn't that bad. u just saw his hand on me at the wrong time

joon : wrong time? so u admit it's wrong

jin : ...

joon : exactly. ur scum

jin : HUH SCUM?

jin : we are grown men joon

jin : i can have friends

joon : i let you have friends. but he was clearly interested in u more than just friends

jin : he wasn't. u are just being insecure

joon : why wouldn't i be insecure ?

jin : why are u? u know i like u

joon : oh stfu. enough with this "you know i like you, don't be insecure" sorry but being treated differently for simply looking how i do is enough of a reason for me to be insecure

jin : but i like you

joon : jin . u already know we wouldn't have dated if we met in highschool. u would have been embarrassed to date me

jin : news flash. we are not in highschool

joon : it was an example. i have every right to be insecure

jin : idk why u didn't wait till i got home to talk about this

joon : i'd rather not argue in front of jimin and hoseok

jin : since when did u care

joon : bcus it's already wrong for us to be dating in front of them. i'm not arguing

jin : u begged for us to date and now u are saying it's wrong for us to date?

joon : no. in the sense we date in front of them. it's probably uncomfortable for them

jin : whatever. might as well argue in front of them to show how much of an insecure prick u are

joon : real mature jin.

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