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sister : taehyung???

kimtaehyung : yep? what's up?

sister : dad has gotten worse.

kimtaehyung : what do u mean? are u okay?

sister : rn i'm okay but i'm not sure if i will be

sister : he's a lot more violent today

kimtaehyung : wait he's been violent to you before ? i told him to not do that

kimtaehyung : he's supposed to take it out on me

sister : you're not here though. he doesn't understand what he's like when he's drunk

kimtaehyung : no he does. don't make excuses for him...he's a horrible excuse for a father

sister : tae don't say that!! he has been helpful after mother died

kimtaehyung : by doing what? hurting us? verbally abusing the both of us as we grew up in that house to the point where i had to move out and live with grandma?

sister : u dont live here. u don't know what it's like ! you always say he's a bad bad person and he should be locked up but dad loves me

kimtaehyung : yeah and i thought he loved mum too until i realised he was the one who killed her

sister : dad is not a murderer

kimtaehyung : not literally. but he drove her to the edge

sister : yes he's not a nice person but he is nothing like you describe him. he only hit me once

kimtaehyung : are u deluded?!?!

sister : no.

kimtaehung : ...

kimtaehyung : he will hurt you severely

sister : he won't. i know him.

kimtaehyung : he will. and u will still deny it and you will still live with him. u will still work multiple jobs to provide him with money for alcohol. he will still use u as his little anger deposit thing. he will still continue to scream and hit you. but it's fine right?

sister : it is fine. bcus he is my dad and he just be suffering from the death of our mother. who died of a heart attack. not suicide.

kimtaehyung : whatever. yk if it's so good there why don't you live there forever ?

sister : but u said i could live with you?

kimtaehyung : but dad is so great no?

sister : well ..

kimtaehyung : just please tell me you are okay or not

kimtaehyung : stop pretending to be okay so if dad reads the messages he won't hurt you

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