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jhope : so i said to the bus driver 'and that's why ur mum died' and he did not like the joke

joon : hobi...why would u say that?

jhope : it was an in the moment kinda thing plus he was a dick to everyone that got on the bus

jin : so u decided to make a yo momma dead joke?

jhope : exactly

joon : lord have faith for the future generations

jhope : he refused for a guy to get on with his guide dog. HES BLIND LIKE HOW R U GONNA REFUSE HIM

jin : people are mad rude nowadays

parkjimin : what have i walked in on...

jhope : okay i'll explain bcus it was so fun and interesting , basically this guy was trying to get onto the bus and he paid for himself and went to walk on, he had a guide dog (he's blind) and then the bus driver stopped him

joon : why is the bus driver like that tho

jhope : fck knows

jhope : he says to this guy that he needs to pay double for the dog or else he can't get on

jin : double ?!?

jhope : yeah so then the guy is like 'why would i pay double for my guide dog which helps me see?'

jhope : the bus driver replies 'well simply do not get public transport if you can't pay for ur dog and urself'

parkjimin : HUH

joon : he said that? what

jhope : so everyone on the bus was quiet apart from some old people who were agreeing but they gonna be dead like next week so who gaf

parkjimin : u right u right

jhope : so i offered to pay for the guy in exchange for me getting off so he could have two seats . well this bus driver did not like that and was like 'i would rather have you then this blind bastard on my bus'


joon : no bcus why do some ppl feel so entitled that they speak abt people like that

parkjimin : only ugly people do that shit

jhope : so i said 'he is blind not deaf, don't talk bad about him like that'

jhope : this guy was like 'okay well he shouldn't be blind. this is why the world has gone to shit with people and their stupid guide dogs'

jhope : so that's why i said ur momma dead

parkjimin : i think i would actually flip my shit if i was there

jin : did anyone else say anything to the bus driver or no?

jhope : oh the blind guy came up to me and said it was a social experiment and that i'm gonna be on youtube so. looks like ima be a meme

joon : oh no. hoseok said a yo momma joke in front of millions of people

parkjimin : AHAHAHA i wish i got the bus with u this morning :(( i had early lectures

jhope : lollllllllll , but now atleast ik that social experiments ain't fake bcus i had no idea it was one

jin : that's so unfair...i've always wanted to be in a social experiment

jhope : i see alot of them happen

parkjimin : i've always wanted to be in one where they protect a child from a kidnapping

joon : why... what

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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