Chapter 7 Nightmares

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I din't want to leave so soon

Hayato's POV

Well like they all say good things come to an end but not Kashima i won't let things end just like that, one day when the time comes and im ready to accept whatever his answer is. Im going to confess...
Deep down when i think im ready to accept whatever he's gonna say, a lump in my throat formed
I pray for him to say yes.

I got back home and told the old hag that we already had dinner and taka was already fast asleep in my arms. I set him down on the couch and got to my room, took a shower as i stood there with cold water dripping from the shower my mind was completely blank, i stood there motionless for about 3 minutes before the image of a certain guy suddenly pushed into my head. His soft features on his face blushing, his soft skin, slim body. I snapped out of it in Shock i was blushing hard My face turned crimson in a second and when i looked down i had a 'problem' with me, i quickly finished my shower and tried to calm down. Eventually i did and got on to bed still thinking about him i sleeped peacefully to know that He is trying to repair his wounds and opening up to Me.

Later in a dream

I was in pitch black darkness with no light and no sound nothing more than black all the way. A wave of nostalgia hit me, and i realized this was when i last had a nightmare. I ran in a straight line i just ran and ran that feel like kilometers and hours untill i saw a light. It was like a portal i could step through but i couldn't there was like a glass barrier that held me back. In the image i saw a door infront of me, it looked like an apartment and it seemed like i was standing outside the balcony of the apartment, it was a simple apartment a couch, a tv a small kitchen and a bedroom. It looked so peacefull untill..

I saw a someone bursting out of the bedroom he had a suitcase with and bag with him, He had red hair, big eyes and a small figure. It was Him why did he had a suitcase and bag with him... I wanted to run up to him and hugged him but i couldn't. Not long after i saw Kashima i saw myself in that dream. We were arguing about something, i looked desperate i looked like i was on the verge of tears when i saw Kashima throw something on the floor it was a Ring a simple ring but it wasn't a wedding ring, my dream self grabbed Kashima by the shoulders and spun him around as he was about to leave out the door, with a sad expression i was uttering some words but i couldn't hear a thing, tears started to come out from my eyes but Kashima looked at me with a cold expression forced of my arms that were on his shoulders and slapped me. After he did so i heard him shout it was faint but i could hear
"We're done Hayato i don't want to see you ever again"

Then he slammed the door and i saw myself who kneeled on the floor sobbing.
I was horrified of what i saw i ran away in fear until i could no longer see anything i just stood there with tears welling in my eyes i was scared, scared to lose him. I couldn't hold back any longer i kneeled on the floor and started crying.
I woke up with my chest hurting and pillow wet
I was crying in my sleep, my chest hurts at the thought of losing him.
He was my happiness, my weakness, my everything.

I will get him, i have to get him, i Need to have him...

I prepared for school like always the differences is that i couldn't stop thinking about him, my heart felt like it was about to break when i thought about not seeing him ever again.

I got to school and dropped The brat at the daycare when i bumped into Him who was carrying Kotarou with him.
"Good morning Kamitani"

It was a simple good morning but i immediately felt at ease

"Morning Kashima" i gave a small smile.
"Would you wait? im just about to drop of Kotarou and we can head to class together."

The word 'Together' was ringing in my ear i was staring at him for about 5 seconds like a total bum.

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