Chapter 18 Move In

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It was the day, the day that we finally move out. We are ofcourse really excited for this since its a next step for our relationship and our education at the sametime.

We made sure to leave one week before college to set up the apartment that i and Hayato found together. Everyone was there to part with us. Our brothers, our familiy and friends were all there.

And even some of our friends will be attending the same college as us, and two of them will be Inomata-san and Nezu-kun.

I kissed obaa-san's head and bowed to show my respect.
"Take good Care now Ryuuichi and Kamitani-San i trust that you will too Take care of my Grandson and Ryuuichi i trust too that you will take care of him"

I once again bowed to show my greatfullness and Hayato bowed with me. We said goodbye to all of our senseis and stepped into the front seat with Hayato in the driver seat.

And we started the long drive to where Monorimiya university was located.

Hayato's POV

I had already got a car and drivers lisence a week before after i got better from that dreaded flu. The drive was expected to be about 5 Hours and 30 minutes and we will arrive when the sun is setting to orange.

At first Ryuu and i talked about how exciting this experience is going to be, i can't beleive this is actually happening. I always smiled at the boy who was beside me right now.

This warm and caring boy who accepted me for me, was what got me going through this. Once a stranger to me but now a piece of me.

4 Hours later We almost arrived and Ryuuichi was fast asleep. His front bangs slightly grazing his long lashes the afternoon sun shining on his pale skin making him seem angelic.

It was too much for me, and being in this slight traffic gave me enough time to remove those nuisance of bangs and get to see all of his face. Soon after i planted a kiss on his cheek.

The drive went on. And after roughly 2 hours we arrived at the apartment. I once again brushed of his bangs and whispered to his ear as to not alarm him.

"Ryuu Wake up we're here" i whispered.
Gentle and sleepy eyes met mine and i was reminded on why i love this boy who is beside me.
"Hayato.." He said still sleepy and rubbing his eyes.

"Better wake up, we have alot of Unpacking to do."
"Can we just get our clothes and some of the boxes? Im still very tired" he said whining to me

I smiled at the sleepy one before me and agreed to only Take out some boxes and our clothes.

We made our way in and got our keys, our room was located at the very edge of the fourth floor. The apartment was in a very high quality one for the price that's given.

One bedroom with one bed and shower, one couch, a dining table and a television and a balcony that has a greay view of the parks and neighbouring buildings.

"Its perfect" Ryuu said to me
"Everything's perfect when im with you" i said as we made our way into the apartment my hand and his still tied together.

Alot of unpacking was done and yet we still have many more things to do. Today went on with us setting and cleaning some of the apartment and by the time we knew it it was dinner time.

Ryuu cooked us dinner and we talked about how much fun we're going to have now that we're here together.

I insisted on Ryuu taking a shower first while i clean the dishes for today.
I was in the middle of cleaning the dishes but i was suddenly suprised to see 2 hands on my stomach and a warm feeling on my back.

I cleaned my hands to turn around. his chin now rested on my chest as we stared into each other's eyes. My lips couldn't help but curl up at my Boyfriend's innocent face.

I hugged him back and nuzzled my cheek in his soft hair, faintly smelling his shampoo.
It was nice.

"Tommorow after packing do you want to go explore this place?" He asked me.

"Ofcourse, anything with you" i said and smiled.

I was very tired from all the unpacking we've been doing and quickly showered and flopped myself on to bed Ryuuichi now beside.

"Get some sleep Hayato, we have alot to do tommorow."

And then there i was, snaking my arms around my Boyfriend's waist while i my eyes made contact with the moonlight.

I slept peacefully that night.

I was woken up by the soft yawn of my Boyfriend who immediately notices my small grunt indicating that im also awake.

"Morning Hayato, today's unpacking and exploring day get up get up!"

My gaze softened as the morning sunlight made its way into our bedroom and onto Ryuu's soft appearance making him more attractive than ever.

"No.. Its still too early get back to bed" i complained.

"Ah but we have alot of things to do and i have to prepare breakfast for-".

"I'd rather enjoy your company more than any meal now get back here" i sleepily said again

"A-ah Hayato" he started pouting while having a slight blush on his cheeks

Without warning him i jump and grabbed him by hugging then started to tickle him making him laugh and submit.

"H-hayato stop i-it we  have t-to unp-pack -t-today!" He said through his laughs.

"Its too early i want to hug you more like this" i said stopping the tickles.

A small sigh got through him and continued with
"Well.. It cant be helped but don't take your time today because we have some boxes and places to explore today"

"Yeah-yeah" i said with my arms around his waist we're now in the same position that we were in just a few hours ago.

His soft hair grazing the skin of my cheeks, a tickling yet enjoyable feeling.

After an hour Ryuu got up and started the day with a shower and making us breakfast while i being the lazy ass that i am decided to sleep for 15 more minutes.

I was woken up once again by non-other than my rumbling stomach. I got up of from our bed and opened the bedroom door.
The first thing that i smelled was the smell of excellent breakfast and the first thing i heard was the sizzling sound of cooking and the soft humming of my Boyfriend.

Ryuuichi's POV

I was too caught up in my cooking and din't notice any of Hayato's footsteps, a minute later i found his head on my neck and his strong arms around my waist.

"breakfast smells delicious Ryuu" he said softly breathing to my neck.

I shuddered with his sudden action my legs suddenly felt weak as i leaned my head back to meet with his.

"Its just for you no one else" i said
"I made you some coffee its right over there on the table."

We had breakfast and Coffee in a comfortable silence and in 10 minutes we started with our unloading and in 20 more minutes our apartment was filled with boxes waiting to be emptied.

Unpacking, sweeping, mopping, we did that all and our apartment was 'complete' in 3 hours everything was set up. With one last touch, a hangable wooden "Home sweet home" sign...

Cheesy but i don't mind.

Because home is where he is

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