Chapter 23 we meet again.

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My eyes widened as i look back, i knew that voice anywhere i still remember that voice, Her last words, her sobs when she left me.
It all came crashing back. I remember everything.

"Yes! Im so happy that you remember me" she said with a soft smile.

"I do.. Remember" i cant look at her in the eyes, i din't want to.

"Im sorry that i our goodbye, wasn't a pleasant memory.. But the past is the past" she said getting closer to me.

"Can we be friends from now on?" She said offering her hand.

I couldn't say no to her, because if it weren't for her breaking my heart, i never would have seen someone fix it, i never would have seen Hayato fix me.

"Ofcourse" i gave her hand a shake and smiled at her.

"Seems like we'll be in the same major, care to walk to class with me?" She said looking around.
"Oh im waiting for a friend, we could walk together to class"

After some minutes of awkward catching up and small talk.
"Kashima-san Sorry to keep you waiting, oh?"
"Ah no Nakamuro-san its fine, and this is my friend Shimizu Yuna"

"Glad to meet You Shimizu-san im Nakamuro Tooru"
"Its nice to meet you too!"

"We should probably head to class, its almost the time!" Nakamuro said pointing at his watch.

"Oh yes! Lets go" i said and the two nodded.

Our first day went by really quick and we were already dismissed and free to go home, but i din't intend to do so.

I wanted to find a part time job to get some money of my own, i know that obaa-san keeps sending me some and Hayato would lend me if needed but i din't want to financially depend on them.

Im still a man and i need to find some cash of my own. I was walking around near our campus and apartment while Nakamuro and Shimizu went back to the apartment.

So many of us lived in that same apartment building, its going to be wild if someone were to throw a party there. I thought to myself.

I passed by a park and decided to sit down, watching the sunset alone while thinking where can i find a job?

I started looking around again trying to spot something.
"Kashima-kun? what are you doing here?"
I look to the side and saw Inomata.

Holding a cup of coffee and looking at me expectant of an answer.
"Oh Inomata-san, im just looking for a part time job now"

"Oh? I thought the chairlady would take care of that problem for you?" She said taking a seat and taking a sip of her coffee.

I sat there looking down in embarrassment, i was embarrassed that everyone thinks since im Obaa-san's adoptive grandson i would be spoiled rotten.

"Well.. She does, but still i want to find a job. I don't want to burden anyone, i dont want to financially depend on anyone" i said looking down.

She smiled at me and took another sip of her coffee "well you're in luck, this Cafe owner is looking for new employee's, and being a friendly and approachable person such as yourself would definitely get you the job"

Thrid person's Pov

The red haired brunette gave the blue haired girl a smile, as he never actually talked much with her before.
The blued haired girl blushed a thousand shades of red before turning to look away from him.

the boy din't know that the girl never actually moved on from him.

At first when he came to Monorimiya academy she din't knew the small things he did for her like giving her chocolates or helping her get along with the daycare children would blossom something from deep within her.

He planted love in her heart, and she until now still took care of it, from a seed to a sprout now something bigger than the both.

But seeing as this boy is happy with the ravenette. She gave him up easily
Because even though the boy she loved wasn't straight..she still loved him and wanted him to Find His Own Hapiness.

After the boy thanked him, she left the park greatfull once again that she could have short minutes and small talks with the red haired boy.

I love you Ryuuichi Kashima
Im glad you found your happiness.

And now she waits, as he who planted the seed within her is no longer there.
She still waits for another to take his place...she waits patiently.

Ryuu's Pov

I open the coffee shop owner, the place was very well decorated and comfortable to say the least.

"Good evening sir!" The employee in the cashier called.
"Good evening! Ano.. Is this cafe looking for new employee's?"
"Yes we are would you like to sign in?"
"Yes, i would!."

I walk in the manager's office and was greeted by a very friendly lady. She interviewed me and i tell about my lack of experience of being a barista.

She understood my situation and asked one of the current employee's Tachibana Han to give me short tutoring sessions on how to make some of the cafe's best sellers, i got the hang of it easily after 3 tries. Something to be glad about.

"Your doing great Kashima-san, your a natural"
"Ah Thankyou Tachibana-san, if it weren't for your excellent teaching i wouldn't have gotten the hang of this"

"*chuckle* i think that wraps up today, you already know the work hours i assume?"
"We'll see you tommorow Kashima-san i'll tell the manager about this"

I left the building and i couldn't help but Call Hayato to tell him the great news.
I dialed his number and he picked up almost Instantly.

Oop my skin had goosebumps.
"Ryuu.." He growled
Oh sh** i forgot to tell him
"H-hayato ahehe"
"Where are you? I'll pick you up"

I told him where i was and he picked me up.

"Next time tell me before you go anywhere, i was worried where you've gone"
He said, eyes still locked on the road.

"S-sorry i forgot to tell you.."
"Its alright Ryuu, but you could have told me if you wanted to get coffee"

"N-no its not that, i work there now starting tommorow."

"Why? I would give you money from my part time if you needed it" he asked curiously

"Thats the point.. I don't want to be spoiled rotten.. I still want to depend on myself just a little bit" i said looking away.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and gave me a loving kiss on the cheek.
"Still selfless as ever huh? Well it can't be helped if i cant spoil you.." He said softly.
"Whatever, i'll support you anyways.."

"Thanks Hayato.. I love you"

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