Chapter 15 A dream or rather nightmare

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Hayato's POV

It was the next week that i went home in the pouring rain in the same jacket. I would go home wet from the holes that let water touch my shirt.

I never felt the need to buy another jacket since i was a stingy guy that never spoiled himself. Besides it was almost college Monorimiya University was located in a town that din't rain much it would be a waste of money.

One day i woke up panting. My head heavy my chest heaved. I din't get it at first, i slept for 8 hours like i usually do i sat up from my bed everything was spinning like a merry go round in a amusement park. I tried to get up i even struggled to put up my 2 feet to the ground.

Once i did i tried to walk to my door but ultimately failed as i was tumbling down like a tree being chopped down. Seemed like i grabbed someones attention with the huge thump i made from falling.

"Nii-Chan?" Taka pushes my door Open
I just grunted to let him know i heard him.

"Nii-Chan!" He starts panicking
I tried to stood up and luckily i did.

"Im okay don't worry Taka" i pat his head and tried to walk down stairs, once again i failed and lay myself down at the hallway before the stairs.

"Nii-Chan don't mouve i'll call mom"
I was too exhausted to argue back and just let Taka call my mom.

"Hayato? Whats wrong? Are you having a fever?" She touched my forehad with the palm of her hands
"Op, its a fever alright a heavy one"

"Sorry Hayato but i have some work to do today so you know what that means"
She said teasingly
Cant beleive that she can tease a sick son of hers.

"Yeah, i know what it means Thankyou for calling him. I'll try to get myself to bed".

Shizuka's POV

"Hello with the Monorimiya Residence with Saikawa speaking, may i help you?"

"Oh good morning Saikawa its Shizuka Kamitani, are the Kashima brothers home?"

"Ah yes they are Kamitani-san do you wish for me to call them?"

"Yes Saikawa please do."

"Understood, please wait"


"Hello Kashima here"

"Kashima-Kun its Shizuka"

"Ah yes is there anything i can help with"

"Well yes, can you take care of Hayato for a few days? I have to leave early for the next few days to prepare for the next academic year"

"Ah Hayato is sick?" I think that's all he's go from my explanation.

I internally Giggle at this thought and continued on

"Yes, Kashima-kun can you take care of him?"

"Yes Kamitani-sensei i'll be there in a few".

"Thankyou Kashima-kun see you in a few."

You better take care of this Boy Hayato your lucky to have him by your side

10 minutes later.

Ryuuichi's POV

I was standing infront of the Kamitani residence. And knocked on the door

Kamitani sensei opened the door and greeted us.
"Good morning Kashima-kun Kotarou-kun"
"Good morning Kamitani-sensei"

"Oh Kashima-kun you should no longer call me sensei, im not your teacher anymore and we're not on the school grounds, just call me Shizuka"

I realized what she said was right
'Im no longer a highschool student'

Yet i just chuckle, a phone call was received by her and she hurried to her car after saying Goodbye and Thankyou to me and Kotarou.

We stepped inside to be greeted by Taka who for a reason unknown was worried and sad.

"Taka? Whats wrong?" I ask worriedly
Because its unlike him to be this down.

"Nii-Chan is sick and i can't do anything to help" he said through his soft sniffles.

I crouched down to meet his height. Taka maybe annoying, loud and thoughtless sometimes but he loves and cares about Hayato the most, they both really care for each other even though Hayato doesn't show it as much as Taka.

"I promise that i will Take care of your Brother and he'll be healthy in no time, worrying about him is enough effort for you this time."

"Really? Do you pwomise?"

"I promise"

Suddenly he reached his hand
"Pinky promise? Nii-chan told me about pinky pwomises"

I smiled softly at him and offered him my pinky.

"Pinky promise"

Taka immediately had a smile on his face and i asked Kotarou to play with Taka which he agreed to.

I walked upstairs with the porridge i made to Hayato's room and i found him lying down on the bed.

"How are you feeling Hayato?"

"I feel terrible" he said through his coughs

"You look terrible too" i teased

"What's up with you people teasing the sick guy" he said in a slightly irritated tone.

I chuckled a little while offering him a thermometer. We checked his temperature to find it was very high.

"How did you even manage to get this fever its the middle of summer!" I said genuinely shocked

"I don't know the rain must have gotten to me or even a virus for that matter"

I sighed and ask him to eat the porridge i made, take some meds and sleep of the headaches he had.

I tucked him to bed and started cleaning his room because he couldn't do so. As i was dusting of some of his cabinets i saw a piece of cloth lying on the floor.

It was his favorite Jacket i knew since it was black. I grabbed it and started to fold when i felt my fingers poking it more deeper than i should.

As i looked at the back i could see some holes on the back. That go through the jacket, well i never noticed this because he always wears the exact shade of black with this jacket,
Now i know why.

I suddenly remembered the date and his birthday and thought that maybe i could find and buy the exact same jacket he would love it for sure.

I smiled softly at the thought and also how he doesn't like to spoil himself but rather he spoils me with his love and occasional dates that we have.

Hayato's POV

I woke up in my dream on a bed alone, i had a headache in that dream for some reason and i went out the bedroom to see that im in an apartment. The place seems familiar i thought to myself.

And soon i realized this was the last dream that i had. I pray this wont turn into a nightmare like last time. As i was looking around i noted that the apartment wasn't that organized weird i thought i would be living with Ryuu in this dream and he's an organized person.

As i looked deeper into the apartment i stumbled upon the kitchen where everything was out of place, it looked like a whirlwind was in here.

Something caught my eye and, it was a piece of paper sticked to the wall. The paper read

"Your Boyfriend is with us come tonight 6 PM at 'the warehouse' in the dumpster and we'll send him to hell!"

I was mortified and immediately i looked at my watch...

5.45 PM

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