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"Kamitani! as always you did a good job today, having connections like those you're sure to get a promotion in no time!" It was the usual, after college i have to go to the company and grab my workload, after so going out to find anything i can slap on a newspaper. College is.. fine? I wouldn't say much about it but i am breezing pass my classes, the days were always the same in my opinion. College, friends, work and also that special person.

The photography club.. the fresh air of newspapers being made, i didn't drop baseball but i laid low because i would like to give other teams a chance themselves, thankyou very much. I still go around playing it with Chuukichi and also Obi, we're still great friends till this day and i wouldn't have gotten myself some good friends if it weren't for them. "Kamitani.. i-" a girl says as i look down at her who was writing the news, as a second year here i have been in this club since my first day of college, apparently clubs are mandatory and since my major is also busy, which is the main reason why i didn't sign up for baseball club, i ended up here.

I'm not complaining the people here are friendly, well i try my best to be as friendly as possible but we all have offdays, right? "That's great, keep up the good work.." I say with a small smile, i know very well that girls are attracted to me and my friend group, but since we all have girl/boyfriends that are really protective of us, they don't even get any room to breathe. I was quick to end trivial things in my daily things, small talk with people out of my circle, the weather talk and people trying to ask things about me, he always says. "Please don't talk to girls i-i" that stutter, oh how cute he is.. i can die just from having that image in my head again.

Yeah sure i can still separate the things that involves my grades and my social life, we're not closed off to people and i would say my friend group is pretty open to people and all around perfect. Unlike my significant other I'm the one keeping him from being stolen from other guys, those perverts only see him as the innocent guy he is.. well in retrospect am i considered innocent for not even having my first time? yeah I'm pretty innocent, and i think we all can agree about that.

Moving on, college has been a pain with all of the homework and group or individual projects, though i breeze through them it still gets me and is pretty exhausting. Essays, going over to the parks near here, the cafes and such is basically what we college students of the Morinomiya University do in a daily basis, classes range from 8- whatever time we have in our schedule. "Maria?" I ask as i see a girl blue hair and a rather small figure, well the smallest out of the six of us. "Hayato? you're alone?" She asks as i shook in correction "I'm with you, or are you not human?" I asked as she immediately jabbed my chest "Hey!"

"I was talking about you and your boyfriend" she says rolling her eyes at me "He's busy, he said he's got a meet up with his club to discuss about an up coming event.." i say as he fixed my camera that was hanging on my shoulder and sat down with the girl, apparently the time was cut short since around the girl's neck was wrapped a scarf, red and a guy you all know made his appearance. "Yo.." he says plainly as i gave a salute "Chuuki?" Maria asks as the guy, Chuukichi shakes his head "No, I'm Rick roll.." he says as he kissed the girls forehead.

"Ugh Gross.." i say under my breath as she sticks her tongue out at me, earning a scoff from Nezu, it's obvious that i was joking but on the outside it came as if we three were debating in a 2v1. "Don't get me started on the pet names you call him, Hayato" a chuckle erupted from my chest "Which one, I've got many that i call him everyday" i say, we're bestfriends now and we're mere acquaintances back then, can't believe i was stubborn enough to not befriend these two when we were back in the Academy.

"The fact that you had confessed to be calling him 7 petnames a day impresses me, I'm not kidding" I gave a shrug at the comment as Maria wrapped the scarf around her neck, these two people were complete strangers.. well in respect for that, all of us were. And the events that had brought us together was something that I'm greatful for, everytone, my family and friends had brought me and him together. What else can I ask for? "Oh i need to bolt, work is in 20 minutes and he took the car" i say as today, we didn't go to college together he had to come over earlier for that club of his.

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