Getting His Company

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At after they reached.

Oh no Abhi she have fever and it's all your fault....

Abhi: what have I done purab?

Purab: we stand in the cold for hours before showing up. If you came early then she would've been fine.....

Abhi: am sorry it wasn't my fault.

Purab: then it's mine right.

Pragya: calm down purab I'm fine....

Purab: you're not fine!

Pragya: and he have say sorry, you know your friend he won't deliberately do something that will hurt you.

Purab: yeah you're right, Abhi I'm sorry....
Abhi go from there angrily purab follow him....

Hi, I'm bulbul and you,

Pragya: I'm pragya, are you the principal's daughter?

Bulbul: yes, can I call you sister if you don't mind?

Pragya: yeah, I'll be very happy to hear sister from you....

Bulbul: ok di now we're going to stay together, don't worry if purab isn't around we're girls girls we can create some memories together....

Pragya is just smiling and listening to her blabbering, the feeling is natural for her, apart from purab,Priya and her other blind mates no one have ever talk to her whole heartely like this.

Pragya: you're so good bulbul, no one had ever talk to me like this.
She said having tears bulbul wiped down....

Bulbul: now you've get a sister don't think about anyone one...

Yh, can I see you?


Pragya: come closer....

Bulbul: here...
She said getting closer, she touched her whole face...

Pragya: you're so beautiful...

Thank you...
Said bulbul couldn't hold her emotions and went out crying, giving excuse to pragya.

Purab came in....

Purab: I'll get you something to eat you must be hungry...
He said and about to get out again pragya hold his shirt.

Pragya: is anyone here apart from me and you?

Purab: no, did you need something?

Pragya: no but I wanna ask you something.....

Purab: ok
He said sitting beside her

Pragya: am I beautiful?

Purab: when did you get this idea,you never questioned me about yourself before...

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