Being Her Husband Big Baby

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Later at home

Wow, here is so beautiful this one is call what?
She asked seeing a puppy...

Abhi: is animal, can you guess it name?

Pragya: yeah, cat right?...

Purab: no buffalo.
He said laughing Abhi and bulbul too laugh making pragya annoyed

Pragya: why are you all laughing I don't know anything I thought it's cat.

Bulbul: neither It's buffalo it's called puppy.

Pragya: oh little dog, can I take it..

Bulbul take the puppy and give it to her.

Pragya: aww so cute....
She said caressing it, the dog bark pragya shout in scaring tone throwing it in air, thank God purab catch the innocent
Abhi don't know when pragya end up on his chest, legs crossed over his waist arms wrapped on his neck....

Abhi: get down pragya.

Pragya: no please take it away...
She said closing her eyes holding Abhi tight.

Abhi: purab has taken it away now get down like a good girl before you kill your husband.

Pragya realize she's holding his neck.

Pragya: sorry.

Abhi: it's ok let's go inside.

Pragya: no the garden first.

Abhi: pragya you've to eat and rest...

Pragya: let me walk around the house I'll come soon.

Abhi: nothing will run you can see them later

Pragya: please Abhi please I promise I'll be back just ten minutes.....
Abhi who can't bear her pleadings is just looking

Abhi: ok but be careful..

Thank youuu...

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