Enemy In Their Love Story

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So sorry for the late update...


What are you saying Abhi?

Said pragya following him to his wardrobe....

Abhi: nothing get fresh up I am getting late......
(He's in  boxer shorts start dressing in between)

Pragya shamelessly looking at his well built body, she's really lost doesn't know what's really happen to her, seeing him like that the feeling is natural for her...

(Now in trouser)

Abhi feeling her gaze turned to look at her....
He wave his hand in front of her, she fail to blink, really lost seeing her husband like that ...
Abhi can't believe she have such affection on him....

Pragya automatically walk towards him and her disrespectful hand start touching his bare chest.....
Abhi couldn't control himself, he pulled her closer, she land kissing his chest, that's when she came back to sense, she smile with blushed......

Pragya: Abhi I was just...
She said stammering...

Abhi: looking at your handsome husband....
He continue, making her blushing more..

Hey stop this blushing else I'll be out control.....

Pragya: what are you doing..she asked with moans as Abhi start nuzzling her neck....

Abhi: romancing my wife, why any problem?
He said making pragya chuckle, he never behave like this with her.
Abhi continue his work making pragya moaning his name countless times....

Finally he locked his lips with hers, kissing her hungrily...

He break the kiss coming back to sense, remembering he's resuming work after weeks due to pragya eyes surgery he took a leave...
Seeing the Time he curse himself for being late his first day at work after resuming....

Pragya: why you stop....

How shameless she's...
Said Abhi to himself...

Abhi: because you taste so bad, see you haven't brush and I feel like vomiting so I stopped...
Go go go go and brush..
He said thinking pragya will feel bad and leave him alone so he can put on his suit without any disturbance....

Pragya: what!? But I brush last night before sleeping...
She said making what a fuck face, she blow air bringing her palm close to her mouth so she could feel the smell......

Abhi control his laugh seeing this...

Phone ring Abhi pick up whiles pragya looking at him irritating and leave to take a shower..

Abhi: good morning sir, sorry I am late I'll be there in thirty minutes Time....

First time in life Abhishek is late means there's something special...
Just by the way, I called to tell you the deal is cancelled there's no much work here, so giving you another week off......
Said his boss...

(Other than being his boss, he's very close to him because of his hard work)

Abhi: I knew there's nothing cancel sir James,I really understand what you mean, but it's fine I'll be there soon....

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