What Belongs To My Husband Is For Him Only

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What's wrong with me, following someone who gave nothing than pains to pragya, my friend who's like my sister now, am I insane?
He said stopping on his track looking at sarla leaving the house crying...

With abhi having a sleepless night without his wife...

Purab entered abhi assume it to be pragya...

Pragya (purab): I want to talk to you abhi....

Abhi: I know this, I knew you'll surely come here you can't sleep without me right....
He said hugging purab tight but he's so big for him.

Purab: what's wrong with you abhi? Leave me...
He said pushing him...

Abhi: oh sorry I thought it was am...

Purab: you leave it, is about pragya mom.

What happened to to her?

Purab: nothing, she said she wants to see pragya so I help her with it, seeing maa and pragya happy together she doesn't want pragya to know about her anymore...
I was the one consoling her but now I don't think it'll be good if both meet....

Abhi: is her mom purab, mom is mom...

Purab: but she run away from her responsibilities, she was so heartless......
I just sat down remembering her painful cry at the train station and everything is making me to hate her again, now I don't want them to meet.

Abhi: I know in all she deserve a chance after all she didn't throw her away.....

Purab: no abhi,she doesn't even deserve to be called a mother, now I understand why she was using me, because of her I can see.
I really fall for it

Don't talk like that purab maybe she doesn't have such thought in her mind......
Leave everything to me, I'll think of what to do.....

Purab: and I won't forgive you if pragya again get hurt because of her.....

Abhi: nothing like that will happen....


With pragya and Priya

Priya: what's wrong with you, you've been staring at me since the time you wake...
Is everything alright?

Pragya: nothing ma.

Priya: tell me what's bothering you? Did you wanna ask something?

Pragya: yes ma, you won't be mad right?

Priya: not at all

Pragya: can you show me papa picture?

Priya: was it the question you're so scared to ask?

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