Understanding Their Friendship

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The next day at noon

I've a good news for everyone, someone is ready to donate eyes for pragya.
Said purab..

Abhigya are surprise and shocked too...

Pragya: what are you saying purab are you trying to make fun of me?

Purab: have I ever made fun of you?  pragya I am serious you too will see this beautiful world very soon.

Abhi: what are you saying purab? Who's that?

Purab: that person is my friend he's suffering from deadly disease and he's ready to give his eyes to pragya before his death.....

Abhi: tell me who's he?

Purab: he's not comfortable with telling his name, bulbul know him.

Bulbul: yeah Bhai he don't want anyone to see him.

Purab: one of my friends father is the best opthalmologist and he's ready to do the surgery next week.

Means I'll see you next week?
Asked pragya happily

Purab: no but from next two weeks after the surgery, you'll see me next week not only me but everyone too.....

Pragya: then you'll take me to different places we'll rule the world together!!
She said happily no one have ever seen her like this before though she laugh and smile but this one is priceless...

Pragya: purab tell me, you'll take me to different places right?

Purab: yes Abhi will take you to wherever you wished
Abhi doubt hearing this, he looked at bulbul he see her holding her tears, he understand there's something wrong he takes her from there....

Pragya: why Abhi will take me? Won't you be my friend again if I get my eyes back?
If no then let's stop the surgery because you're the only person I wished for.....

Purab: no pragya I'll still be your friend but I can't take you to places like you wished, you're married, your husband will take you there....
Pragya get convince by his words.

Pragya: but once in a while I'll go with you too, I will like to spend time alone with you as unblind...
She said smiling she's so happy.

Purab: as you wish...

With Abhi and bulbul.

Bulbul: Bhai what happened leave my hand it's paining.

Abhi: sorry, tell me what's going on?

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