Blood Makes You Related..

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Kelly POV-
"Holy Shit." Chibs says as he stares at Tara and the blood stained carpet. "Call Happy and Juice and tell them to get this shit cleaned up." Jax says to Chibs.
We both pick our clothes up and put them back on.
"I'm gonna go get ready for the party." I tell Jax.
"Hey? You ok?" He asks me.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be."
"Well you just blew her brains out. I'm just making sure."
I stand on my tip toes and kiss his cheek and turned to go get my clothes for the party. I noticed Jax following right behind me.
"Where are you going?" I turn around and ask him while smirking.
"I'm gonna give you a ride darlin'." He winks at me.
"Ohh where to?" I take my finger and graze it across his chest.
"To get you a new outfit."
"Hmm.. ok!" We get on his bike and take off.
We walk into the clubhouse and everyone's already here. I'm wearing my new outfit. Black leather mid-thigh length dress with spiked heels, curled hair, gold eyeshadow, and red lipstick. Everyone stares at us when we walk in. I get a few death glares from crow eaters, Gemma is dancin with Nero. Chibs, Tig, and Happy are getting it on with a few crow eaters. Jax takes me over to the bar and we sit.
"What can I get you Kelly?" Prospect asks.
"A bottle of JD."
Jax looks at me sideways and smirks.
"And you?"
"Beer." Jax responds.
"First Kiss" By: Kid Rock is playing in the background.
"I love this song!" I smile at Jax.
"Yeah, me to darlin', reminds me of us."
We smile at each other.
I look over at the clock on the nightstand. 12:30 P.M. I look over at Jax and he is still sleeping. He had one arm around me and the other arm is hanging off the bed with the bottle of JD in his hand. I decide to wake him up. I poke his stomach and kiss his cheek. He opens his eyes slowly and smiles.
"What time is it darlin'."
"12:30. I'm gonna go get a shower. Catch me if you can, sleepy head." I kiss his cheek and smirk and take off to the bathroom.
"Jesus, the things that woman does to me." He chuckles and stumbles to the bathroom."
*Knock Knock*
"Jax there's someone at the bedroom door." I say in between kisses.
"If it's important, they will come in. They still have to knock at this door." He smirks, he picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as the hot shower water falls on our skin.
I guess I will just go in then. I turn the door knob and walk in, clothes scattered on the floor, bed all messed up, bathroom door shut. Jax must be in there then. I turn the door knob and walk in.
All I hear is moans then "Jax someone just opened the door."
"It's ok darlin'."
They keep goin at it then Jax finally opens the short curtain slightly and looks out.
Jax POV-
I look out of the shower curtain and see Op sitting on the toilet seat with his head in his hands.
"Hey Op, everything alright?" I ask.
"No man, I need to talk to you."
"Are you ok Opie?" Kelly looks out of the shower curtain as she stands behind me.
"I will be fine eventually, Kelly."
"Well Op, go sit on the bed and I will be out in a minute." I say. I turn back around to Kelly.
"Ready for round 2 darlin'?" I kiss her lips but she slightly pulls away.
"But?" I ask.
"But he's your brother and obviously something is bothering him since he sat in here and our little scene didn't bother him and he didn't crack a joke."
I think for a moment.
"Yeah, you're right.
"I know, now let me finish my shower and you go talk to him and bring me a pair of clothes."
"Alright." I chuckle at her and wrap a towel around myself and go talk to Opie.
Kelly POV-
Damn. Jax didn't bring me any clothes. I grab a towel and walk into the little apparent bedroom that's part of the clubhouse. Him and Op are on the bed talking.
"Thanks for bringing me my clothes Jackson." I interrupt.
He looks over at me and chuckles. He walks over to our dresser and pulls one of his reaper shirts out, a black lace bra with matching thongs.
"Here ya go." He grins and suddenly picks me up and carries me to the bathroom.
"Op needs me." His expression changed from teasing to serious.
"Ok.." I say.
I walk out into the clubhouse and Gemma is making lunch. Almost everyone is sleeping. Tig is up early. Earlier then what he usually is.
"Good Afternoon. Sleep well?"
"Yeah I did. Thanks."
She turns around and looks at me.
"They still in there talking."
Tig walks over and lays his head down on the bar.
"Wild night Tiggy?" I chuckle.
He picks his head up a little and grins, "Oh yeah."
"Tig?" I say.
"Yeah doll?" He mumbles.
"Will ya put something on my Mustang?"
"What is it?"
"A new motor I bought, and a new exhaust system, gotta have it soundin' sexy."
"Ugh, do I have to today?"
"Not unless you want to."
"Ok I will later".
"Ok Thanks Tiggy."
I hear a door shut and look down the hallway. Op walks in then walks out the clubhouse doors. I walk into Jax's room.
"Hey Jax."
He's sitting on his bed.
"Hey Kelly."
"What's wrong babe?"
He just looks down for a minute.
"Op's mother just picked up and took his kids with her and he doesn't know where she is. On top of that he thinks he's not fit to be a dad and blames Lyla's death on himself."
"Why would he think that is his fault."
"Because when we left to go see Juice at the hospital that night, Lyla was supposed to ride with him, but she had to clean up some things and get ready for their date that night and she told him she would meet him at the hospital, and insisted he didn't wait and to just go. That's why Op seemed rushed to get back to TM, when he realized Lyla didn't show up." He replied.
"Damn.. Who do you think murdered her."
"I don't know. I don't think it was anybody from Cara-Cara or Nero's place. I think it was someone who wanted to get back at Op for something he did."
I change into a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark purple corset top with combat boots and diamond stud earrings.
Me and Gemma walk outside. She hands me a cig.
"Don't mention it."
We drag on our smokes for a minute or so then Clay and that girl comes walking out of the garage.
"Who the hell is that whore that's been hanging around?"
Gemma laughs.
"An old friend of Clays from high school."
"She any trouble?"
"Not as long as me and you are around. That stupid bitch done learnt her lesson messing with me."
I laugh. She looks at me sideways.
"Why do you love Jax?"
That question shocked me.
"Well I've liked him ever since I moved here.."
"So since high school." She interrupts.
"But that wasn't my question." She snaps.
"Well you interrupted me." I snap right back.
She nods her head.
"I love him. Why?? Not for the way he dances with my angels but for the way his name can silence my demons."
She nods in agreement. She understands.
"Exactly what I said about John. And now I think that about Nero." She responds.
Not long after that we hear a group of Motorcycles close by. Alveraz and a few other Myans pull into TM. Gemma pulls me into the clubhouse.
"Go get Jax and whoever else is back in the clubhouse bedrooms quick, and I will get the guys out here!" She tells me. I do as I'm told.
"Jax, Alveraz is here!!"
"Go out into the parking lot NOW!"
He grabs his gun and heads out, so does Op, Happy, & Tig. Gemma got the other guys. As the guys head outside my cell phone starts ringing "Sweet Home Alabama" By: Lynard Skynard.
"Hey Daddy!"
"What's wrong Daddy?!"
"Your-" He takes a deep breath.
"Your moms in the ICU in the hospital."

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