Same Shit

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"Hey Jax!" Juice shouts from across Teller morrow.

Jax turns around. "What?"

"I picked up some info on ZoBell." Juice replies as he walks over.

"Let Clay handle it for now, I got some other shit to deal with."

"Clays out." Juice says rubbing his head as Jax walks away.

As I walk into the club, I head around to my apartment. I look in the mirror and see my eyes are blood shot. Badly blood shot. My head is pounding. Hangover from the night before. I thought to myself. I grab some aspirin from the bathroom, take my clothes off except for my boxers and lay down on the bed.


I rub my eyes and look over at the clock. Damn 1:30 in the evening. I must have slept at least 12 hours. I get out of bed and put some jeans, a SAMCRO t-shirt on, and my cut and gun belt and head out.

I walk over to Opie.

"Hey Jax, rough night?"

"Yea man, any info on ZoBelle?"

"He's got a 'secret' deal with the Mayans. Land for Drugs. That shit. Tara just came by lookin for you. She seemed pissed."

"Yea, well she's been pissed lately. Don't have a damn clue why." I reply.

"We have to make a run in 30. Be ready." Op replies.

I nodded my head and head inside to the bar.


"There's Darby's crank house. He's been dealing within Charming limits. We don't allow that shit in Charming." I whisper in the woods with the guys.

"Lock n Load." Is all Clay replies.

When we open the door the smell hit us. Something we wasn't expecting. It dazed me for a moment. I try to clear my head and get the cooks located while Op sets the bomb.

"C'mon Jax!!"


I barely make it out. BOOOM!!!

"Shit, that was close." Op pats me on the back. We start to head back to the van.

"Where's Clay?..." I ask Op.


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