Nothing Last ForEver...

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Jax POV:

Shit! I look back and see Clay laying on the ground. He's not moving. I hear sirens in the background. I look over at Op.

"We have to get him out of here fast." I say. I grab him and sling him over my shoulders. I put him in the back of the van with Juice, Bobby, & Kozik. I ride his bike back to Teller Morrow.


As soon as we get to TM I grab my phone and call Tara.

"What is it Jax?"

"Clays hurt. He's not moving. You need to come here now. We need you."

"Fine. I'm on my way."

I flip the phone shut.

Tara POV:

I arrive at TM and see Jax on a picnic table with his face in his hands. My love for Jax is fading. He was my HighSchool sweetheart. I would notice him look at this other chick, but then I just thought I was paranoid. He might sense that something is up but I haven't told him yet. I can't stay with someone when my love for them is fading.

"Jax." I motion for him to come into the clubhouse where I'm assuming Clay is.

"Where's Clay?" I ask as I set my medical bag on the pool table.

"On the couch." Op replies.

"Move him on the table."

They wake him up and get him on the table and I examine Clay.

Jax POV:

I walk inside the clubhouse. I see Tara's examining Clay while he is sleeping. Tara has been fading away from me. She doesn't love me as much and I don't know why. I hope Clay will be fine. I sit at our bar and the prospect hands me a drink. I nod at him in thanks. Clays still got blood all over his clothes and body. Scratches on his face and hands. Clothes are burnt a little from the explosion. Tara walks over.

"Well he has a concussion from the explosion. Just passed out right now. I cleaned the blood and cuts since none of you seemed worried about those, which could get infected. I am going to run back to St. Thomas to get an IV an some medication. I will be back."

"Is he going to be ok?" Happy demands.

"I'm not sure. Depends on how bad the concussion is. Try waking him up. He doesn't need to be sleeping with a concussion. He could slip away. If he wakes up give him some water."

Happy doesn't say anything. None of us do. Gemma walks in "You heard the doc, wake his ass up unless you want him dead."

"She said he's past out." I respond.

"Any good doctor would want him up NOW not IF he decides to wake up."


Clays up in bed with the IV. He's staying in his apartment in the clubhouse til' he is better.

"I'm going to go to the gas station for smokes and shit." I say to Op.

"I will ride with you."

We get on our bikes and head out. I love ridin. It makes me free. Free of my worries. Free from the shit of my club. Free from all of Tara's bullshit. Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.....


After we get what we need from the gas station we go ridin for a little bit. We stop at a place about 45 minutes from charming to get some lunch. The sign reads "Another One Bites The Crust." A pizza place. We walk in and the song "Another One Bites The Dust." is playing. We take a booth seat by the window. A waitress comes over. She has long brown hair that goes to her ass. Deep brown eyes. Thin long legs. Not tan but not too pale. She has glasses on her face, thin black frame glasses that don't have anything covering the bottom of the lenses. She has a Black and white rose had sleeve on her upper left arm. She probably has more. Pink lips. She's pretty.

"What can I get for you lovely guys.?" She smiles at us. Her smile is gorgeous. I stare into her deep brown eyes. She has on green and a sparkly light sand color eye shadow on with winged eyeliner. I look at her name tag on her outfit and it says "Kelly."

"We will have a large cheese pizza with thick crust. An I will have a beer." Op replies.

"And what do you want to drink?" She looks over at me. I'm still just staring at her like an idiate.

"Oh, uh a beer."

"Ok, I will be back." She smiles and walks off.

Op is grinning at me.


"I know that stare." He winks. "But what about Tara?" He asks.

"What about her?" I reply.

"What's going on between you two lately?"

"I don't know man, she's been acting weird. She doesn't love me like she use too. I found a paper on her desk from her diary. Its almost like she wanted me to find it."  I reread the note to myself, "My love for Jax is fading. It's not that he doesn't treat me right because he does, but the spark is gone. I don't know how to tell him.....or if I should just leave. Or leave the kids with him or take them with."

"That's some shit man, I'm sorry."

I just shrug. I'm ready for my pizza.

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