First date

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"Kongpob, are you done?"

The wolf looked away from the computer and turned to his P' with a huge smile. But then he remembered his impending work and his smile disappeared.

"I'm sorry P'. I can't have lunch with you right now. I have to finish this before this afternoon's meeting."

"What do you mean? Haven't you finish this yet?"

Being curious, Arthit craned his neck and had a look at what his junior was doing.

"Obviously" was the lynx's only comment; but there was a shade of annoyance on his face.

The lynx patted him on the shoulder and walked off toward the cafeteria. Kongpob shook his head sadly as he watched him go. Well, it was lunchtime. It was normal for Arthit to go eat, with or without him.

They had had lunch together several times -practically always- over an almost two-week period, but that didn't mean they had to eat together every single times.

Besides they'd had their first date. Well, Arthit had insisted it wasn't a date but that was just a little detail. All that matters was that his cute mate had invited him out for dinner of his own free will.

Kongpob slumped over his desk, shoulders hunched, cheek pressed against the wooden desk.

Who did he think he was kidding?

It was already a week and a half after their date and nothing much changed. Or rather, they went on a couple of other little non-dates, but they hadn't kissed or held hands or done any of the things associated with romance. Maybe Arthit wasn't impressed by him.

Ok, now was not the time to get distracted by his thoughts or lost in the memory of how wonderful the too platonic dates were. He had to sort out those files before the meeting. Turning his attention to the file John had forgotten to fix, he tried hard to concentrate on them.

He suddenly felt a sensation of wet and cold against his cheek. Startled, he turned around and saw Arthit holding an iced coffee in one hand and a takeout bag in the other.

"I got you the bland omelette you like so much." He said dragging Tod's chair to his junior's desk and sitting next to him. Without deigning so much as another glance, he started eating while checking his work.

"If we do it together, we'll finish sooner." He explained without looking at him. 

The man seemed completely calm and if it weren't for the tips of his red ears Kongpob would have fallen for it.


Kongpob was standing at one side of his senior's desk waiting for him to give him attention.

"What are you so smiley about?" Arthit finally asked, turning around and looking up at the younger man.

"I just talked to P' Danai."


"He said I have very much improved and that I don't need to be followed by one of you anymore."

"Good." Arthit nodded, giving him a genuine smile—small, but real.

Kongpob's heart thudded in his chest. Adorable.

The older man wriggled under his gaze. After a lengthy pause, he asked "What?"

He put one of his arms on his desk and the other on the back of his chair, and leaned toward his senior, watching him intently.

"Thanks P'." Arthit looked at him questioningly, so he added. "P' Danai told me you put a good word for me."

"He just asked me my opinion, and I gave it to him, nothing more." Then he looked away, turning back to the computer and typing something in very fast.

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