First trip

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"Where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you."

His cute mate pouted adorably. "At least tell me how much farther until we're there."

"All I'll say is... nope."

Arthit grumpily mumbled, keep changing channels and stations on the car radio. Kongpob pulled his busy hand off the button and brought it to his lips, kissing his knuckles.

"Why don't you get some sleep? You've worked hard today." He proposed, gently caressing the back of his lover's hand with his thumb. "I wake you up when we arrive."

For the past few days, they had been working late to finish all their work so they could take a week off. Week they would spend together in a place of Kongpob's choice.

"You'd get bored alone."

"I won't fall asleep at the wheel. I promise."

"We could have taken public transport, you know."

"But that way, you wouldn't have been able to see how cool your boyfriend is while driving."

"Stop repeating you're my boyfriend. I know."

"I like to say it."

Arthit rolled his eyes and then yawned.

"Seriously P'. You should sleep a bit. There is still an hour left before the flight."

He grinned mischievously at him. "Oh?"

"I won't say anything else."

Arthit pouted again but nevertheless closed his eyes, leaning his head against the window frame as the car hurried along through the lighted street.

"P', wake up. We have arrived."

There was no flutter of his eyelids even.

Kongpob laid his lips against his cheek, and then cupped his other cheek softly. His lips were close to his ear now.

"P'Arthit!" He whispered softly, "P'Arthit! My beloved Kitten." There was a quiver of the eyelids now, a faint hesitating sigh. He kissed his ear and spoke his name again. A faint smile flickered over Kongpob's features as he saw his cute boyfriend scrunched up his nose.

At last he opened his eyes, with a bewildered, wondering gaze. The sleepy dear smile broke forth. "Kong? Are we there yet?"

"Not yet." He whispered softly. "But we should get off. Please wake up."

He saw his senior's head dip forward as if he slept, then he jerked awake. "I wasn't sleeping!"

The younger man only looked at him, amused, his mate's eyebrows raised as if he was a child caught with his hand in the jam-jar.

Kongpob chuckled softly at his boyfriend's cuteness. Had he already said he was his boyfriend? And that he was cute?

The cute man tried to look out the plane window, but Kongpob blocked his view with his body.

"First the car, than a private airplane. What's next? A boat?"

Actually it was a speed boat, but still.

Kongpob had decided that to celebrate their six months together he wanted to do something special. And the fact that they had just completed an important project had given them a week off. A week they would spend in an extremely luxurious and eco-friendly resort on the beautiful and unspoiled island of Koh Kood. Surrounded by the tropical rainforest that was perhaps the least polluted place in Thailand.

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