Into the wolf's den

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The next two days after the mating Kongpob had not allowed him to leave the bed, except in cases of extreme necessity. And even for the rest of the trip, Kongpob stayed draped around him. More than usual. No matter where they were, no matter to whom they were talking, no matter what they were doing, the wolf was always close by, with his hands on him.

Moreover he noticed his alpha scent was so much stronger than he thought.
Being able to detect his odour only when they were in his house, alone, Arthit had always smelled a sweet and soothing scent, so he was surprised to smell such a strong scent whenever someone got too close to him. Well, he knew a lot was due to their new bond. Bond that the wolf wanted to reconfirm at every given opportunity.

Arthit rolled his eyes internally. Thank goodness to consolidate it he didn't have to be always the one to suffer. Instinctively his hand moved to his butt.

"What you thinking?" One hand met his; the other squeezed his ass lightly.


"Kong!" A lady's voice interrupted him before he could hit the touchy man. "Finally you guys made it. Please, come on in!"

"Mom." Kongpob smiled radiantly. He dragged his lover to the beautiful woman waiting by the door.

Arthit stood back as mother and son embraced, then finally he released his mother and reached for his sister. "Ngoon!" he said, taking his sister in an embrace as well.

Arthit glanced sideways at the mansion and... how rich were the Suthiluck? He began to feel very uncomfortable, and to wish that he had not come, and he strained his eyes to see if he could see round the corner, because then he should know that he was not far from the car. But there was nothing that he could see but bushes and trees.

'Well.' He thought to himself. 'Now I am in for it, I must make the best of it; if I can get through the day, I can get through it all.'

Then he met Mrs. Suthiluck eyes.

Arthit had really thought it would be okay, but maybe he was wrong.

Perhaps it would have been better to meet in a neutral place, such as a restaurant, and not in a -luxurious- wolf's den.

He took a step back. Immediately Kongpob reached for him and smiled sweetly at him. The lynx shifted his gaze back to the older lady who was smiling at him just as kindly.

He took a deep breath and greeted the two women in the politest way possible.

"Oh dear, you don't have to be so formal. Come inside, everyone waiting for you."

Before following them inside, Kongpob held him back and kissed the top of his nose. "Everything will be fine. I'm here."

Arthit nodded, smiling weakly, before he let himself be pulled inside. There, Kongpob's father was waiting for them too.

Be polite, he reminded himself, be chillingly polite.

Halfway through the greetings he realized he could smell. None of those present were giving off a threatening smell, but still, he was surrounded by wolves. Alphas. Why were they all alpha in that family?

He whimpered.

"P'?" Kongpob called him worried, then his eyes widened, realizing the reason of his distress. "Mom, what have you done to the ventilation system?"

"You noticed it?" She trilled happily. "We want to make him feel at home. Does it work?"

Kongpob wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled his senior tightly against himself so that his body curved protectively around his. "Mom, I don't think this is a good id-"

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