First and only mate (M)

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"I want you to claim me."

The tanned man jerked his head up to look at him, nearly choking on his saliva. "Uh? P'?"

"You heard me. I won't repeat it."

"Have you decided to accept me as your mate?"

"Lynxes don't have a mate." He said for the umpteenth time, but seeing the other dejected expression, he added. "This means that I've decided to live the present to the fullest." He kissed his junior, then whispered faintly. "This means that I have decided to believe in you, in us."

Under his keen gaze Arthit felt his pose growing stiff and awkward, and himself becoming redder and redder.

With no reaction from the younger, he tried again.

"Should I... present myself?" He asked completely red. The boys had told him that was the correct terminology, but he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable talking like that.

"You don't need to. Omega present themselves. You're not an omega."

"Oh..." Arthit couldn't help but take a breath of relief. "Good, then... what should I do? Should I-"

"P' stop." He said, gently grabbing his arm. "What are you doing? Do you know what it would mean for you if you persisted in this?"

Arthit knew it. Getting marked and claimed as a wolf's mate was the biggest commitment for them, significantly bigger than any other human commitment.

"I know you're an alpha."

"That's not important."

"It is!" He lowered his voice. "That's what you are. I don't want you to feel like you can't express yourself. The wolf... the alpha is part of you, and I said I'd accept everything about you so..."

"P', if I claim you our scents will mix; there won't be any turning back. Maybe you won't smell it but if... if we..."

"You think we'll break up?"

"No, that's... no! It's just that... are you sure?"

"And you?"

"I am from the moment I saw you." Arthit opened his mouth ready to argue, but Kongpob didn't let him. "And I am even surer so now, after I get to know you." The slightly taller man curled his fingers around his hips and pulled him closer. "Even if wolves didn't have a mate, I'd have fallen for you, I'd have wooed until you'd accept to go out with me. And then-"

Blushing the senior kissed him.

He could've just said yes. Such a nuisance.

Kongpob broke away a moment and then claimed his lips again, harder.

They stumbled to their queen size bed, and they both fell onto it. As they continued feverishly to stroke and kiss, the wolf's presence became more and more intense. it was so intense that Arthit had to remember himself he wasn't a wolf. And most of all, he wasn't an omega.
To think, until only a few months ago he had considered wolves to be arrogant classists -they were known for their stupid division-, and now there he was. Under a wolf, ready to be claimed.

"P'." Kongpob managed to compose himself a little. "I'm asking you for the last time are you sure? Mating someone means leaving the wolf free. Are you sure it wouldn't scare you?"

Arthit understood Kongpob's concerns. He had some too. Even though the wolf wasn't completely in his alpha mood yet, the lynx was already starting to get nervous, his instinct demanding him not to be overwhelmed. The fact that now he could smell him didn't help either. But he wasn't going to do it any other way, he wanted to smell him. And he wanted everyone else to smell his scent on Kongpob, to know that the beautiful man was his.

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