Another first

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"'Thit is everything okay? You have awful dark circles under your eyes."

"Mmh." He mumbled, drinking his beer.

Memories came back to him from that very morning. Kongpob had asked him a similar question. Apparently the dark circles under his eyes seemed to speak.

"P' how have you been sleeping lately? You seem tired."

"Just strange dreams."


"It depends on the perspective."

'Cause how could he tell Kongpob he kept having wet dreams about him? And that these only started after he smelled him?

How did people with a functioning sense of smell do it? It was exhausting.

Arthit sighed and rested his head on his one only trusted friend's shoulder. The only one who hadn't tried to sabotage his very complex -yet simultaneously non-existent- love life. Because yes, Prem getting involved with one of Kongpob's group counted as sabotage.

"Do you find me attractive?" Arthit mumbled, following his inner trail of thoughts.

"You're cute... I suppose. I don't know much about it." The grizzly answered slowly, trying to figure out where Arthit was going with that.

"But... would you bed me?"

Knot was immediately seized with a fit of coughing, which almost choked him.

"Ooook, I'll take this." He said, snatching the beer out of his hand. "You have drunk enough today."

Arthit snorted. "Come on! I'm serious."

"'Thit, you know I have a girlfriend that I very much like, right?"

Arthit groaned, mumbling something about how useless he was at the moment.

"Things are not going well with your junior?"

"No. Everything is great, wonderful. It's really amazing and not at all alarming that after he was so eager to go out with me, have a date and all that crap we haven't..." He murmured, his tone lowering. "You know..."

"Maybe he wants to take it slowly..."

"We haven't kissed yet." He said under his breath, not sure he wanted to be heard by his friend. Probably alcohol had lowered his inhibitions because his sober self -and not stressed self- would have never said all of that.

"Well, that's fine. How many times have you gone out? One? Two?"

"Five officially, plus the others."

Knot was silent for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully. "Well... maybe he wants to take it really slowly..."

"He has stopped invading my personal spaces..."

"Isn't it good?"

"Do I stink?"

"I don't think so...? It's your usual smell."

Arthit slumped more deeply into his chair. "Then I'm the problem."

"Ok, that's enough." Knot said, exasperated by his drunken slumber. "Prem!"

"No, wait!" Arthit tried to stop him, but Knot had already attracted the attention of all his friends.

"We need your experience!"

Apparently he couldn't trust Knot either.

Bright and Tutah were the first ones to reach them, curious about the new drama. Drunk Arthit always provided them funny moments.

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