Plan C

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"May I know what's wrong with you?"

"P'Arthiiiiiiiit" Kongob drunkenly mumbled, hiding his face on his folded arms

Praepelin, who had just arrived at the bar, turned to flick a raised eyebrow at Aim, who seemed sober enough tobe sensible.

"His supposed mate" Aim explained, briefly.

"Did you find your mate?" The white she-wolf asked excitedly.

She knew Kongpob was waiting for that moment since forever. But the boy in question, instead of answering happily, emitted more sounds of despair. 

She sighed. She could already smell trouble.

"Ok. Let's talk. What have you done?"

"We may have taken the wrong approach" Aim said tentatively, trying to derail the conversation.

"Speak. I don't have all night." She demanded sternly.

In turn Tew and Aim began to give their story. None of them wanted to be the one to make her angry.

"We went to introduce ourselves..."

"But then he ran away..."


"This is why we have decided to present ourselves in a more... limited place?"

Praepelin's brows drew dangerously close and the hazel color in her eyes changed to the green of her Inner Wolf.

"Guys..." she called them in a grave voice her patients now wearing thin with those games.

"They surrounded him in the elevator" Oak promptly intervened, enjoying his friends' disgrace.


"Oh yes" he continued amused "They waited for him, and then they practically dragged him inside"

"Please no...." Praepelin murmured, with a look that was half horror and half incredulity still in his stricken eyes.

"But that's not all, 'cause they surrounded him and stopped the lift. I think they caused a panic attack principle "

Praepelin slapped the smaller guy upside the head.

"Ouch! Why me? I wasn't even there"

"I can recognize your stupid ideas among a million "

Oak tried to talk back but her death glare made him give up.
Massaging the affected area, he grumbled under his breath "I was just kidding. I didn't think they would really do it"

"I just wanted to show him that we are a close-knit group, and that we would be able to protect him" Kong muttered drunkenly to himself.

Praepelin rubbed her temples, exhausted. How they'd been able to create such a mess in the couple days that they hadn't met, Praepelin would never know.

"Okay, he's a wolf too. He'll surely understand your intentions."

Dead silence fell over the group. None of them had the courage to look her in the eye.

"Because he's a wolf... isn't he?"

She shook her head, and murmured, for the umpteenth time, "No..."

"Well..." Tew started but didn't finish the sentence.

None of the boys seemed eager to be the one to break the news to her.

"Kongpob" she turned to the only one she knew who would have the courage to answer her.

He raised his head from his arms and looked at her with watery eyes. "He's a lynx. A really grumpy one."

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