Chapter Two: An

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Amelia's POV

Once I awoke, to my surprise it was already morning. I glanced around but I still didn't see my roommate anywhere in sight. I wondered where the heck they were and why they didn't stay the night at their apartment but I decided not to worry about it too much because I had to go to work.

I rolled off the couch and landed on the floor with a loud thump. "Ouch..." I grumbled and stood up, going to the bathroom to do my business. The amount of happy things in this house just seemed odd, even the normal things like my roommate's toothbrush just looked happy. I rolled my eyes a little, not used to seeing happy things so early in the morning and I left to head for work.

I hopped into my car where all my items still remained and I drove to the hospital, I was excited but also nervous. I wasn't sure how I felt about working with Derek, nor what his reaction would be when he found out I was here and wasn't going to leave. I wanted to see his new chick anyways, the one that made him leave Addison. I liked Addie, a lot, I just don't know why he chose this new mistress over her.

I mean, Addison did cheat on him with Mark; several times. But to his knowledge, it was only once, so what's the harm in that? I mean, I knew everything bad Derek had done to Addie, so I didn't mind to help her cover up. She didn't deserve to be stood up on dates or he blatantly ignored. I hope that's what happens to this new adulterous bitch. I don't think I'll like her.

I ultimately decided to not claim that I dislike her until I meet her, so I walk into the hospital confidentially and stride right over to the chief's office; like I knew the place even though I didn't. When walking in though, I heard a familiar voice.

"Thank you sir, you won't be disappointed." They said, sounding prideful and determined. They turned to walk out, and that's when they saw me.

We both stood there in shock, staring at each other.

Wondering whom should speak first and what we should say.

"Arizona." I say quietly under my breath.

"Amelia." She copied, the shock as evident in her voice as it already was on her face.

"Oh, Dr. Shepherd! Come in!" Richard smiled joyfully and waved his hand for me to go over. I took a deep breath and walked past Arizona and into his office. "Hello, sir. We talked on the phone." I was very polite and made sure to hide the thoughts that were now spiralling around my mind.

Why is she here?

Does she work here?

Why didn't Derek mention her?

"I see you've met Dr. Robbins, our head of paediatric surgery. I heard she went to Hopkins like you, too!" Richard said happily and Amelia's face dropped slightly, although she tried to hide it.

She works here.

This is her turf.

And I'm the intruder.

"A-ah yes I did, she seems very pleasant" I nodded in agreement before me and Richard began talking business.

"Head of neurosurgery?" I gasped in a delighted shock, causing Richard to chuckle. "Well we need someone to take the job while Derek is healing; and whose better to take it than his little sister? You probably both have the smart gene mmm?" I just nodded in response to this, delighted but also scared that I basically just took Derek's job.

Once I walked out of his office I took a deep breath and leaned on the banister, looking down and all around the beautiful hospital. Maybe Seattle wasn't so bad after all, but I can't have Arizona here. She makes me feel way too many emotions in way too short of a time, and I don't want to end up falling for her again.

So, I walk down to the reception in a hunt for my brother; to tell him the brilliant news. "Where's Derek Shepherd?" I asked the receptionist but she just looked terrified. "What? I'm his sister. Amelia Shepherd?" I said, confused but she still looked terrified.

"She's with me" Arizona walked over to the reception and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Oh right, sorry" The receptionist apologised, waving her hands to try and prove she was actually sorry. Arizona began to walk with me beside her, and I had no clue what to do.

"You see, ever since the shooting you can't go up and ask for a doctor like that; especially not him." Arizona explained while she walked up the stairs. I wasn't sure why we were going up the stairs or where she was bringing me, but she could have saved me from being arrested so I guess I have to give her a chance.

"Just like how ever since you like disappeared out of bed one morning and didn't return; how I can't trust anyone anymore?" Arizona was very passive aggressive and it made me really anxious, so I started shaking a little. "He's in the staff room, here" Arizona grumbled, opening the door and practically pushing me in.

I couldn't help but think about how much I hurt Arizona; things between me and her were going well, too well and I freaked out and ran. Of course I looked back, but I was too scared to go back by the time I did. I assumed she found someone else whom was better than me, but it seems as though she didn't.

"Heyyyy Derek!" I managed to laugh as I walked over to him, sitting on the couch next to him. "Amelia, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked, confused. I never usually went to visit so, that's probably why he was confused.

"It's not Amelia anymore; it's head of neurosurgery." I smirked, waiting for him to blow up at me in a blind rage.

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