Chapter Three: Ideal

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Amelia's POV

"What the hell do you mean, you stole my job?!?" Derek screamed, his face turning bright red in rage. I chuckled to myself at his reaction and just nodded, "Well nottt exactly, you see you aren't healthy enough to do so, so I'm going to take your job temporarily while you can't" I smiled to myself, placing my hands on my hips in pride.

Derek just rolled his eyes angrily in response and I sat on the couch beside him, wrapping my arms around his shoulder and giving him a half hug. Derek just grumbled in response so I ruffled his hair a little.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me Arizona was here?" I asked when she pulled away, leaning against the other side of the couch. Derek stared at me in confusion, "We haven't spoken in ages, and why would it have been relevant?" Derek tilted his head in confusion. "Well we haven't spoken because someone won't answer my phone calls, and oh I don't know" I growled and then shrugged, trying to hide the pink on my face.

Derek shrugged back, obviously trying to ignore that my face had turned pink. "I'm still really mad at you, can you just... leave?" Derek asked and I nodded, standing up. "I'll go to my new apartment, I'm not leaving Seattle though. See you" I waved and left, walking right out to my car.

I drove straight to my new apartment building, wondering if my roommate would actually be home today or if they basically don't exist. I dreaded the part where I introduced myself, and that's why I had it all planned in my head; so I wouldn't screw it up.

'Hi, you must be my new roommate. My name is Amelia Shepherd, (now-head) neurosurgeon at Seattle Grace hospital. May be home at random hours but that was sorted when I signed the contract. I don't like pickles and uh yeah.' I'd chuckle and scratch the back of my head. But, most things never went according to plan for me so planning all that was probably a load of bogus.

I took a deep breath in and sighed it out, already nervous about the encounter as I got out of my car and began to walk up the stairs. I wondered if it was some weirdo, or if it was someone I knew; although that would be highly unlikely. I arrived at my apartment and spun the key in the door, easily opening it and I was shocked by what I saw.

It was her.

Sprawled out across the couch which I had slept on earlier.

Her eyes beginning to flutter open as I drop my keys onto the floor, resulting in a loud crashing noise.

"Amelia, what the hell?" They grumbled, rubbing their eyes and then looking up at me once again, to make sure I was really there.

"Arizona?" I gasped in shock, finally deciding to speak. Arizona sat up on the couch and stared at me in a shocked, tired and confused state.

"What are you doing here?" Arizona asked, covering herself up with a blanket as if she had been exposed; even though she was wearing her scrubs. Poor girl must have been exhausted from working so hard last night; no. I will not think 'poor girl', I can't, no.

"This is my apartment." I barked back at her, pretending to be angry even though I really wasn't. Arizona gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, obviously the realisation kicking in that I was the new roommate she had found online.

"This isn't going to work, Ames" Arizona sighed and rubbed her temples, using the old nickname she had for me even though I don't think I deserve it anymore. I don't deserve to be called by a cute nickname frrom her after I put her through so much; probably. I feel so bad for hurting her, but I'm scared I'll end up doing it once again the second things get hard.

"I know." I responded, even though that wasn't what I wanted to say that's the words that my lips had formed. I moved over and sat on the couch beside Arizona, letting out a sigh of relief. I leaned my elbows on my knees and placed my head in my hands, just needing a moment to myself to think.

Arizona seemed to know that I needed a minute and she stayed quiet, when I glanced up she was frowning also. My mind was racing faster than it ever had before and I wasn't sure why I felt so scared. I thought I was fine so I took my hands away from my face, but then tears began to form in my eyes and I had to cover my face again and take deep breaths.

"Where's my room?" I asked, still hiding my face. My voice was obviously cracking but I just hoped that Arizona wouldn't mention it, but of course I was wrong, she was too kind for her own good. "Ames... are you okay?" Arizona tried to be gentle, putting her hand on my back but this caused me to explode, more than she was expecting. I jumped up and away from her and held my hands into two fists, standing up and shielding myself.

"DO NOT CALL ME AMES!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could, whacking my fist into the wall so she would pay attention. Tears started rolling down my face but I ignored them, not bothering to wipe them away. "I'm. Not. Okay. Alright? I'm not! But you shouldn't care anymore, I left you, I broke you. So don't feel bad for me! Feel bad for yourself damn it!" I cried and collapsed onto the ground, sobbiny while my tears landed upon the floor.

"Amelia..." Arizona sighed and nervously approached me. She knelt down and grabbed my head softly, picking it up and looking me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for calling you that, if it truly did upset you" Arizona began, the honesty showing in her eyes alongside her the tone in her voice. "And before you left, I knew you quite well and I know you didn't mean to hurt me but we should try and work on the running, alright?" Her voice was tender and soft, as if she was talking to a broken puppy.

I wasn't sure if I should run or collapse into Arizona's arms so I just sat there for a couple of seconds before deciding. I sighed, too tired to run so I let myself fall into Arizona's arms and began to sob. "I missed you so much but I was so scared that you hated me or moved on" I sobbed and immediately regretted saying it afterwards.

"Fuck" I grumbled under my breath. I quickly stood up and ran out the door, running again like I always do. I ran down to the staircase and sat on it, but then I heard familiar footsteps walking down the stairs towards me.

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