Chapter Seven: Be

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Arizona's POV

"How about we go out for some food? I'm sort of hungry after all of that." Amelia chuckled and scratched the back of her head, it was clear that she was embarrassed and I found it cute to say the least, the way her cheeks heated up and the way she couldn't lock eye contact at all. "Sure!" I replied, chipper as always. I felt Amelia tense up slightly but she calmed back down quickly, I wondered what it was about but I decided to shrug it off.

"Where will we go?" I asked and Amelia tapped her head, a signal that she was thinking. "Do you still like subway? It used to be your favourite" Amelia noted aloud, causing me to blush lightly. "You remember?" I asked, this girl truly did know how to pull at my heart strings. Amelia nodded, "Of course I do!"

"That's so sweet! Yes, it's still my favourite" I smiled happily as I split my arm from Amelia's and got into the car. I sat in the drivers seat and Amelia sat in the passengers; I knew the way so it'd be easier for me to drive instead of her. "Are you sure you don't want to go to an Italian place- I thought you liked Italian?" I asked and Amelia laughed, "Your favourite today, yours" She responded in a way I wouldn't have expected her to, it took me a second to take it in and nod, mumbling a small "Alright then."

We arrived at the closest parking lot to the subway and after waiting for a space, I finally got one. Me and Amelia got out of the car and she followed my direction, as I effortlessly walked in the direction of the subway. "I haven't actually been here in ages, guess it's lonely to go alone" I shrugged and felt myself blushing lightly as Amelia stared at me, she didn't say anything she just stared.

"So... Lemme guess, chicken teriyaki with wheat bread?" Amelia finally spoke up, stunning me even more. "How'd you know?" I grumbled and she basically facepalmed herself and began to laugh. "It's been the same since like.. forever" She chuckled and I began to laugh also, covering my face in embarrassment. "True.." I managed to utter as we walked into the small restaurant, ready to order some delicious food.

"I'll order" Amelia volunteered, walking up to the countertop and beginning to talk confidently, ordering what I wanted along with hers. "Get me a salted caramel cookie!" I asked and she nodded, smiling back at me and giving me a thumbs up. I sat on one of the stools and just watched how bubbly she was with even just a stranger. She was practically bouncing as she ordered, her hair flowing all different directions; partly because of the bouncing but partly because every time the door opened a small gust of wind would flow past her.

I must have gotten lost in my thoughts because next thing I knew, Amelia smacked the back of my head. "You alive? Hellooooooo?" She asked and I just grumbled "Ow" in response, holding the back of my head where she hit me. She thought she was soft and gentle with it but the truth is she was super strong, way too strong.

"I got you a slushy with a mix of flavours to replace the cookie, apparently they're discontinued, foods on me" She smiled happily and unwrapped her sandwich, quickly stuffing it in her mouth. Amelia was probably starving, I mean, I would be too if I just completed a brain surgery.

"Thank you, Ames" I nodded my head politely and grabbed my slushy and sandwich. I opened the wrapper and I began to eat mine too, but slower than she did. I didn't want to waste it or risk getting the hiccups after all. Before I knew it, Amelia had begun to blabber about random things while I just nodded aimlessly.

"There's this game on my phone where you collect little plants" She noted happily, pointing at her phone. "Cool, how many do you have?" I asked, trying to be as interactive as possible. Instead of telling me, she unlocked her phone and handed it to me, letting me go through her collection. "Aww, the cactus is so cute" I smiled, pointing towards it and she just nodded in response. "That's my favourite, I named him prickly!"

The conversations about random things continued until we finished all our food and the only thing left was our drinks. "We can carry these out and drink them on the way home, come on" I stood up and grabbed the tray, throwing the rubbish in the bin and placing the tray in the pile before I walked out, making sure that Amelia was following me. "Do you have any video games?" She randomly asked and I nodded. "A Nintendo switch, why?" I wondered and she clapped her hands. "Do you have Mario Kart?!?" She exclaimed and I nodded before beginning to laugh, understanding what she meant now.

"Yeah but don't worry, I'll win" I gave her a cheeky grin, and she poured back at me, crossing her arms against her chest in disagreement. I laughed and hopped in the driver's seat, waiting for Amelia to get situated before I began driving back home. I knew that tonight would be a fun night like years ago, where we race each other until we get knocked out and we never figure out who did truly win.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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