Chapter 3: Countdown to Class

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Izuku was a smart boy for the most part but sometimes he was a little too curious and after the Hosu incident, he had many questions. 

Why do villains become villains? 

Is there something specific that sets them off or are they just born corrupt? 

How is one born corrupt? 

Are they just misunderstood? 

What exactly is a villain? 

What makes them villainous? 

Is it their actions or do they just claim the title? 

These thoughts were sudden and honestly frightened Izuku as he had never thought of these things before. Everything was black and white to him before. Villains were bad and Heroes were good. All Might is good and All For One and Shigaraki is bad. These are ideals he had held ever since he was a child and now for them to be easily questioned and by himself nonetheless. He had to have answers and who better to get them from than his idol All-Might his mentor and the number one hero.

So one day after school he went and confronted the man desperate for answers.

Today was the day.

Izuku was going to finally actually do it.

He swore to himself that he wouldn't chicken out this time.

He would actually ask him. He was going ask him every question he had and write down all the answers in his notebook and-

The male's thought process abruptly cut off as he found himself in front of the door to the teachers lounge, his hands shaking as he clenched his notebook and pencil tighter. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door quietly, his heart rate picking up as he heard footsteps coming towards the door. As he heard the knob turning he squeaked, panicking, his resolve leaving him as he looked around before darting the short distance down the hallway and around the corner hiding. He paled realizing he had dropped his notebook and his pencil, the now notebook lying open on the floor showing the page of questions he had.

A few days later while Izuku was rebuilding his confidence to try again he found his notebook in his locker as he was about to go home. Despite his confusion, he opened it, his eyes widening once he realized that All Might had answered his questions! 

His mentor, his idol, his hero had actually taken the time to thoughtfully answer all his questions properly. His eyes lit up brightly as he ran to the teachers lounge, the notebook in his hand having forgotten what he was doing. 

'I have to thank him! He's always so busy yet he took time to answer my questions. They weren't even just yes or no and aren't just on his opinion!' He flung the door open recklessly out of breath his eyes wide and already watering filled with tears of happiness. "All Mi-" He trailed off, seeing the look on the older male's face as he looked at him.

 "I- What's wwrong All Might? Did...Did my qquestions upset you?" Izuku stuttered out slowly backing up. From the seems of it All Might was angry at him "I just...I jjust wanted to talk about wwhat you said...I aactually have a few more questions..." He trailed off as the glare on the male's face got fiercer.

 All Might stood up slowly and walked over to him as he buffed switching from his civilian form to his hero form. "Young Midoriya I have tried to be patient with your questions but putting it bluntly I don't want to hear any more of them. You're sounding not like yourself with these sudden questions. It's concerning and frightening and concerning." His voice was cold as he spoke and his icy blue eyes were ablaze with an odd fire to them. 

" I don't want you asking anyone else about these things. I don't want to hear them. Just know that villains are villains and villains are bad. Heroes are heroes and heroes are good. Vigilantes are bad and illegal. THAT is all you need to know! That's how things always will be. Understood?" He put his hands on the male's shoulders gently squeezing them to try to get his point across. He was worried that Midoriya was starting to become a villain. After all, the boy had never asked these things before.

 It was very very concerning and began to make him worry. Had everything been a facade up until now? Had he picked the wrong heir? Was Nighteye right and he should have picked Mirio Togata? These thoughts swam in his head as he looked into the green eyes of his successor...or was he now to be his soon-to-be ex-successor? He had to do something to keep him from going over to the dark side. He'd do anything to keep him from going over to the dark side. No matter what it was nor the cost. He'd die before he let Izuku Midoriya become a villain!


Izuku made his way into the dorms with his usual bright smile. He was really motivated by the results of his workout that morning. He had actually lifted the eighties! He was so proud of himself and knew All Might would approve, he always strove for the man's approval and wanted to make sure his hero would never regret making him his successor.

He had a simple small second breakfast of a few protein bars and a glass of orange juice. His eyes lit up as they landed on his best friend Shoto. The split-haired male was sitting at the dining table eating alone while Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and surprisingly Mineta were talking quietly a few seats down. As his best friend duties entailed he couldn't let that slide so he took his protein bars and orange juice and sat across from him smiling his usual megawatt smile.

"Good morning Sho-Chan, how is your morning going? I hope you didn't stay up too late last night watching HeroTube without me."

Shoto let out a sigh taking a deep breath before looking up at him putting his cold tea down. "Midoriya...Did you get any calls this morning while you were out for training?" He asked vaguely not even answering the shorter male's question yet.

"No...I didn't why? Did something happen? Where's Ochaco-Chan, Iida-Kun, and...Wait where is everyone?" As Izuku had walked in he had noticed barely anyone was downstairs. It was extremely unusual because class was going to begin in about an hour or less and they'd have to eat at some point. Ever since they moved into the dorms everyone had always looked out for each other making sure that they ate something.

Shoto tensed slightly glancing over at Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Mineta whose conversation had stopped after they noticed Izuku come in. "We should go to your room. I don't want to talk about this here." He said after a moment standing up his eyes pleading with the male.

-Izuku's POV-

I was officially worried and confused. What was going on? Where was everyone? What does Sho-chan have to tell me that he can't say in front of the others? It must be something serious if he wanted to go to my room, usually, we hung out in Ochako-Chan's room and Tsu-San, Fumi-San, and Iida-Kun would come with us.

"Izuku please!" Shoto snapped causing me to get even more worried, but I nodded and started to walk towards the stairs. "Are you sure you're okay Sho-Chan?" I asked quietly as we walked up the stairs to our floor. We had pulled a few strings getting the entire Dekusquad on the second floor and had helped the Bakusquad do the same for the fourth floor.

I sighed realizing that I'm going to get any answers until we get to my room. I sped slightly up wanting to hurry up and make this unsettling feeling deep in my chest go away.

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