Chapter 4: The Calm Before the Storm

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-Shoto's POV-

[Earlier that morning]

Have you ever had to do anything exceedingly difficult?

Like I don't know....finishing a pile of homework in an hour?

Learning to tie your shoes when you were a child?

Learning several languages to impress your parent's business partners at the age of six.

Or train until you can't move anymore and then proceed to get up and continue going after?

Well if you have and complained about it guess what?

You are really childish.

You're thinking about yourself and you have no idea what you may go through later on in your life.

Why do I say this?

Imagine that you have a really good friend.

Your best friend.

And one day you wake up.

It's a perfect morning, the sun is shining, oh wow look at the birds!

You get ready for class. You're having a magnificent hair day. It has NEVER been so silky and shiny before.

You go downstairs to get breakfast and give your other best friends all morning greetings.

Pour your healthy cheerios because, hey, you're a hero in training and have to eat healthy.

And then it happens.

Your homeroom teacher who never is up this early comes makes his way into the kitchen from his room clearly looking for someone.

You're minding your own business eating your disgusting-tasting cheerios.

And lo and behold Mr. I-Need-Coffee-To-Function asks a question.

"Where is Midoriya?"

Midoriya is your best friend's name.

Midoriya is not here.

Midoriya is minding his own business doing his morning training.

"The shitty nerd isn't here yet!" Responds the Angry Pomeranian.

Well damn, you know what's going to come next.
"When is the last any of you heard from him?" goes Mr.Caterpillar.

Wait that's odd. You didn't expect that one but still no response.

Their thinking.

"Last night." Answers your 2nd best friend. You two had shared a pretty awesome high five this morning. She even used her quirk to make you float. It was epic.

"Last night? Alright, where's Todoroki?"
Fuck. There is it. The dreaded question you'd been waiting for. You're slightly confused, but regardless, "Right here Aizawa-Sensei" you respond standing up from your spot at the table.

All eyes immediately dart to you,

"I need to have a word with you...Outside"

So being the obedient good child you try to be in front of everyone you follow him outside and you receive the worst news you ever have received.

You have to tell a certain someone something.

I'll give you one guess who it is.

Your best friend.

Your sensitive, loving, caring, pure-hearted best friend.

And what do you have to tell them?

Well...for one your best friend's mother is missing.

For two...there was a villain attack on his house this morning that he just barely missed.

Three, if he had taken just five minutes more before leaving he may have been able to save her.

And four...the icing on the cake. His home is absolutely destroyed and his mother, the only parent, and family he has considered dead.

You're just sixteen this isn't your job. This is a job for someone with better qualifications. How are you supposed to tell your best friend of almost a year that his mother is dead?!

So you go back inside after regaining your composure. You finish your breakfast make some cold tea because fuck the kettle.

Then he arrives. He's happy as usual but has a bit of a spring to his step. Must've been a good day at training. He clearly doesn't know.

You can't do this alone. You text Ochaco to go to his room and wait for you both there and you pray to God that she is there.


I slowly opened the door to Midoriya's room for him with my copy of his key. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw Ochaco sitting on his bed for moral support.

"Midoriya...What I'm about to say is not easy for me to tell you but I think it'd be best for you to hear sitting down." I said softly as I guided him over to the bed pulling his desk chair with me.

I waited until he sat down before sitting down myself closing my eyes momentarily as Ochaco wrapped her arms around him.

"I don't understand Sho-chan? What's going on and why was Ochaco waiting for us?" He sounded confused and afraid. I hated it, I hate every second of what is about to happen.

"Well...This morning Aizawa-Sensei was looking for you. Something happened this morning...there was...there was a villain attack and..and your mother-" I let out a quiet sigh closing my eyes. I knew if I saw his expression after these next words it'd haunt me for the rest of my life. "The pros and policemen that arrived on-site couldn't find her. far as we know your mother is dead."

But of course, the first stage of grief was denial and I was in no way prepared for what happened next.  

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