Chapter 2: All Might's Training Exercises

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Izuku panted slightly as he got to the Takoba Municipal Beach Park. He had ran the entire distance to the beach from his house to build up his stamina as he was instructed to by AllMight. He took his jacket off before he spent the first section of time stretching and improving his flexibility then proceeded to do multiple anaerobic activities. He did push-ups and sit-ups until his timer went off on his phone signaling that it was 7:25 am. 

The green-haired male slowly stood up stretching upwards before bending backward until his hands touched the ground before straightening himself and walking over to the set of weights he and All Might had hidden there previously. He quickly began on the ten-pound weights lifting them ten times then skipped the fifteen-pound ones going straight to twenty. He was determined to get better as quickly as he possibly could so that he could begin working with his quirk. He took deep breaths through his nose as he jumped to forty after a few minutes then to eighty now beginning to strain without the use of his quirk. He lifted the eighties twenty times before letting them fall from his hands, his arms sore as he walked over to his bag. 

He let out a quiet hiss as he rolled his shoulders trying to lose some of the tension in them before kneeling down to grab a bottle of water standing up after feeling as if he was being watched. He looked around shaking off the feeling once he saw no one and ignoring it as he took a sip of his water. 

He took a few deep breaths trying to relax as he looked around and checked his watch seeing that it was 7:50 am. 'I should get going' He thought to himself as he pulled his jacket back on before picking up his water bottle and bookbag. He put all the weights back hiding them again before leaving the beach a bright smile on his face. After his workout session he felt energized and was ready for the day, he felt as if he could do anything like everything was going to go perfect.

Oh, how wrong he was. And the worst part was that he had no idea what fate had in store for him today. 

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