Chapter 1: The Morning Begins

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Quick Author's Note: Hello this is SlyzBlue and I finally have time to post a story. How this works is I'm going to write a chapter and post it page by page. As I post it page by page I will be working on the next chapter. I have a pretty busy schedule and as a result, I most likely will not be writing as often as I'd like to I hope that I can have chapters done quickly so I can post five pages every Friday or Saturday sometimes earlier but I don't know if I'll be able to. Any pictures or things I put a star by will be explained in an author's note after the chapter they are mentioned in. This story was started on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020. With all that information stated let's begin.

It was a normal day for Izuku Midoriya for the most part, he woke up at five am and began his schedule that All Might had given him to help him master the use of the aforementioned man's quick One for All. He took a shower and tried to comb his hair before getting dressed in some casual clothing. He ran down the stairs wearing his usual red sneakers accompanied by a simple pair of blue jeans and a black hoodie which he had thrown a green jacket with light cloud designs on the sleeves and sides over (1).

"Good morning Mom!" He greeted his mother, the short woman working at the stove as he hugged her and kissed her cheek "What's for breakfast?" He asked as he began to set the breakfast table with plates and silverware. It was almost six am by now so it was expected that the older woman was still in her nightclothes being a pair of simple pajamas with a robe over them. "Good morning Izuku. I'm making pancakes and eggs with some bacon. I know you like having a simple light breakfast before you run off for some early morning training, so I thought I'd do a bit less than usual today." As she spoke she added some seasonings to the eggs before putting the pancake from the pan onto the plate she had ready for them. She had obviously been up for a while as she had already made Izuku's lunch and there were already a few pancakes on the plate.

"Oh? You didn't have to do that but thank you honestly" The young hero in training smiled as he sat down in his own chair. His mother was always going out of her way to do things to help him in his goals and he really appreciated it. Sometimes he felt that words weren't enough to express his gratitude and considered getting a job many times. He really wanted to get her something nice as a 'thanks for everything you do'. But every time he went to get one she stopped him and he knew that she understood that the stress of a job may be too much for him with his hero training and following All Might's schedule.

His smile brightened at his mother as she placed two of the pancakes on his plate with some of the eggs and a great portion of the bacon "Thanks for the meal!" He called over to her as she went back over to the stove to make a third pancake for herself. He waited until she made her plate and was seated before he started eating his own food. When he was finished he got up and washed his dishes as well as the ones already in the sink then set them out to dry. He went upstairs and thoroughly brushed his teeth grabbing his book bag on the way back down "Bye Mom I'll be back in about an hour! I love you!" He called as he ran out the door ready to start his day. 

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