Chapter 6: The Chase

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-Ochako's POV-

'I can't believe this is happening!' I thought to myself as I ran quickly arriving in the teachers section. I knocked on Aizawa-Sensei's door as soon as I got there and quickly explained what was happening once he answered. He looked a though. He seemed worried about something and kept glancing over his shoulder and it was starting to bother me.

" everything alright in there?" I asked slightly concerned.

His eyes snapped to me as he answered quickly "What? Yeah I'm fine. We should get going" as if he had forgotten for a second that I was there. He must have been very focused on whatever he was checking.

Now that I think of it it's kinda silly of me to worry about it. He was probably making sure his coffee didn't run over or something.

I stepped back so he could close his door and a few minutes later he opened it again in his costume, closing it quickly behind him. He probably just didn't want me seeing into his room.

"Alright let's go, where do you think they're headed?" Aizawa-Sensei asked as we started to walk towards the door quickly.

"I don't know, maybe the park? Yeah, the one over near Deku's house, he likes to go there a lot and I don't think they still are in the dorms. It's way too quiet for them to be." I responded after thinking a bit.

"We'll start at his...-well what remains of- his house then since we'll be in the area and Todoroki did tell him what happened. If it was me I'd want to see it for myself." The pro hero said nodding to himself before picking up speed and starting to run now that we were outside.

'It'll be fine...we'll catch them at Deku's house, calm Deku down and then bring him back and help him through this. Then everything will be back to normal within a few weeks.' I thought optimistically. But boy was I wrong once we got to Deku's house we did not stumble across the scene I had expected. It was so much worse but for who I don't know.

-Izuku's POV-

This is unbelievable, I thought they were my friends.

I thought we were family....but wouldn't say anything like that to each other.

I mean it's impossible for my mother to be dead. She can't be.

And yet there was this feeling in my heart deep in my chest that told me otherwise because I know Todo-kun. He values family above all else because of his childhood. He was finally beginning to reconnect with his mother.

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He had no reason to lie so maybe....maybe he isn't lying? No! That's....that's preposterous.

I have to see it for myself. That's the only way I'll ever know the truth.

Tears started to well up in my eyes as I sped off towards my house activating 5% of One for All.

She isn't...but whoever put Todoroki-Kun up to this better hope my mother is safe and sound or they'll regret it!

-Shoto's POV-

Where is he going?

I've been discreetly following Izuku since his outburst at the dorms and well...I'm confused.

At first I thought he was going to Rainbow Rock Park because he was heading that way but no he just had to take a random left turn. I'm not irritated with his reaction but I am irritated by his unpredictable actions because their making it harder for me to follow-


He's gone.

I let out a groan taking out my phone and checking my map....of course his location is off.

You just had to turn it off, didn't you Izuku?

You just had to decide not to believe me.

And now I have no idea where you are so I can't protect you if you lose control of your quirk entirely.

I let out a sigh of defeat as I sat down on the edge of the building I last saw him on.

This is the most pathetic job I've ever done of supporting him.

I knew I should've waited.

I should've pulled him aside after class and told him then and maybe...maybe as I comforted him I could've told him I'd always be there for him no matter what.

And maybe...maybe I'd have stopped being a coward and told him how I really feel.

Everyone always assumes I have a crush on Yao but...

I don't. I couldn't ever see her like that.

She might as well be my little sister and she knows that.

She has a heart of gold, she has never confirmed or denied it just to help me cover up my true feelings.

The feelings deep in what's left of my heart. The ones I hold closest and push down the deepest.

The feelings that made me realize that I'm in love with my best friend.

That I am in love with M-

Wait what was that?!

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