Sweet As A Muffin (Snape)

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Smut, love, evenings, work, Snape out of hogwarts


Snape is walking trough a muggle city called 'london'. He hangs out here a lot and finds it quite peaceful. Even if here are 1000 of cars on the streets and Honking to each other, it's some sort of place where he can relax and feel like an normal person.

He walks into his favorite coffee shop. As normal he orders a completely black coffee with a chocolate muffin fresh baked and on the inside hot, but not to hot. Just perfect like he likes it!
He reads the daily prophet while taking slight sips from his hot coffee.

You (A waiters) sneaks behind him and looks with him over his shoulder. "wizard?" you ask. Snape slams the paper closed and looks in shock behind him. "no worries! I'm one to." you confort him.
He looks with an confused and interested glare at you. "do you mind?" you ask while pointing at the chair opposite him. "you can do what you want." he answers a little bit cold.

"so a wizard?" he asks. You nod your head. "where did you study?" he asks. "I got home schooled from my parents." you answer. "and who are you parents?" he asks. "oh, you probably don't know them, we just Moved to here." you answer. "names?" he asks again. "matasha and lillion." you answer. As you espected he don't know them. "so you moved?"
Again you nod your head. "I'm from France." you answer. It almost feels like he's an detective!
"why did you moved?" he asks. "my dad was a little bit angry and Accidentally yinxt a little boy..." you answer.
An akwary silince Followed.

"sir what's you name?" you ask. "Severus, Severus snape." he answers. "I'm y/n y/l/n. " you answer.
"and what do you do as job?" you ask. "I'm a professor at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy." he answers, but not really excidet.

"y/n!!" you hear from behind the Arc. "yes?" you ask. "don't talk with that man! Come help us!" your boss Shouts. "sorry." you say while leaving the table.
He takes back his Newspaper and doesn't say anything back.

<the next day>

Severus had left and didn't said anything to you anymore. You feel a bit sad because he was really interesting. Maybe he didn't liked you back?
He's just so intimidating and cold, he's so to the ground but also so Unique.

You where doing your shift like always and just helping Customers, but then your eye falls on the black figure that enters the coffee shop.
You look up and see Severus snape the man from yesterday standing there.
In speed you finish the orders from the other customers. "yes?" you ask as normal possible. "a black coffee and a chocolate muffin." he orders. "you fill his glass and make him a fresh baked muffin." anything else?" you ask. "no thanks." he answers. He walks to the table he sat before and looks outside. "y/n you have pause." your boss says. Yess!! Just on time! You think.

You grab an chocolate muffin yourself and make yourself an ice coffee with Whipped cream and extra chocolate.
You put down your ass on a little table by the window where te sun shines bright. Without even looking behind you, you feel such a tense. His eyes are on your back.
"do you remember me?" he asks. "yes ofcourse." you answer, trying to act normal while you're freaking out inside. His hand is on your shoulder and he stand next to you. "do you want?" you ask looking from him to the chair. "if you don't mind? I don't want to Take away your lunch.." he answers. "no please come sit!" you say. He slides into the chair and sits now opposite you, again.

"I was wondering.. What did you learn in France?" he asks. "uh, I think just the same as you did?" you ask not understanding. "but you got home schooled?" he asks again. "yes?"
"didn't you ever made friends?" he asks. "no, my dolls are my only friends." you answer. He looks a little bit confused at you and then you realized what you said. "WHERE I mean WHERE my best friends." you laugh. He doesn't smile back, but you already understood that he's not the joking person.
"last time you said you worked at hogwarts?" you ask. "yes?" he asks. "what do you give?" you ask. "potions." he answer bitterly. "don't you like it?" you ask. "I like it, I like it, it's just the Hustle and all the pressure." he mutters. "but why did you choose to give that lesson?" you ask. "I didn't choose for it..."he answers a bit in trance.

one shot alan rickman characters (but mostly Snape) Where stories live. Discover now