You Don't Need A Love Potion (Severus Snape)

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Smut, detention, Interrupted sex,

For a few months now you're playing around with your professor.
The grumpy man from slytherin that never shows emotions. It's weird don't you think? No one could ever do such things to him except you?

You 2 have something special?
First it never was anything between you, but from the moment your 6th year started, you became more stubborn like more people of your class. The other ones mostly got detention and quickly understood they don't can mess around with Snape, but you? He doesn't care if you don't do your work? He just replaces it. Or he gives you a zero, but never gives you detention or reports you....

Today is a day like every other. The boring classes go on and you have to sit in these classrooms while seeing the birds being free.
Sighing deeply you watch the birds fly in the air and playing with each other. "y/n?" McGonagall asks. You don't answer while you're sinked in troughts. "y/n?" she asks again. Again you don't answer. "eyo! Idiot! She's calling on you!" you hear someone shouting from the back of the class.

You come out of your daydreaming and look behind you to look who shouted like that. "did you ever heard of paying attention?" McGonagall asks sarcasticly. "sorry ma'am." you answer while looking down.

She leaves it and turns back around. You take your chance and turn around to look behind you and catch the person who shouted so loud.
"who was it?" you whisper. "miss y/n! Detention!" slowly you turn back to face mcgonagall, the pain in your body and feeling betrayed by your classmates. "stay after class." she orders you.


"yes?" you ask. "I don't have time for you tonight, so you're going to have detention with Snape." she mutters. "alright ma'am." you answer annoyed.

Without waiting for her to give you permission, you walk out.

When you're on your way to lunch you bumb into (you'll never guess) professor Snape. "stupid kid look where y-" he says frustrated. "hmh.... Miss y/n." he mutters when he sees you. "go on, keep insulting me. I like it." you say while you wink. "don't wink at me." he replies, but it looks like he doesn't say it because it is inappropriate, but because other people could see.
"why the grumpy face?" you ask. "I'm always like this." he answers. "no, this time your lips are more white." you say while fake inspecting his face. "I have to baby sit on you tonight." he answers jokingly. "I trought you would enjoy it." you flirt.

He doesn't answer you. "bye bye black prince." you mutter while trying to move as sexy possible. "don't even try." he mutters, but he keeps looking at you.

Even though it started as a joke, it's getting more and more intense you recognize. It is completely out of your control, you tell yourself every time. And Indeed love is something special that you can't control, but maybe you're pushing a bit to hard by flirting with him Even though it looks like he likes it??


After dinner you sprint to your dorm to pick some cute clothes.
It probably is for nothing because you surely have to make some stupid potion or paperwork, but you'll never know.
You even put your hair down and take your sexy underwear out of the closet.

When you arrive at the classroom you knock and wait for him to open.
When he does you smile softly completely unplanned. "what?" he asks. "nothing, just Fate has brought us back together." you laugh stupidly. "come in you stupid kid." he answers. "Relax, I'm coming." you answer and walk in.

one shot alan rickman characters (but mostly Snape) Where stories live. Discover now