Spin The Bottle (Severus Snape)

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Naughty, rough seggs, smut, drunk, growing a bit care on the end

You're walking around the corridors at night. Not because you're sneeking out or something, you want to get caught by someone special.
You already know who. ...Professor Snape. Your favorite teacher and secret daddy, but he doesn't know about it yet. The last year you had a 'special' bond with Snape. It can go 2 ways, or he finds you extremely annoying, or he sees you not like a normal student. But then the question is: does he like like you or just likes you?

Tonight is the night to find out!
You 'exidently' let something explode. Waiting for the footsteps in the hallway, the sign of him coming running to you.
And then! He's there!
"what the bloody hell are you doing?!!" he asks shocked. "good evening professor." you greet him smirking. "miss y/l/n" he says Strict. "Mr. Snape!" you answer. He rolls his eyes. "come to my office." he sighs. "yes!" you shout. "be quiet!" he whispers.
Hopping behind him he recognize that it isn't a Punishment for you to come with him. "why do you want to come with me?" he asks halfway. "I like your presents." you say.
He stares at you for a few seconds. "what?" you ask. "nothing." he answers. "did no one ever told you that she likes your presents?" you ask. "not really." he answers. "poor thing." you say joking.

You arrive at his quarters. "you know what you have to do." he sighs. "I don't want to do it!" you say. "you have detention! So you must do it." he answers. "can't we have fun, one time?" you ask. "what is fun for you?" he asks. "playing a game!" you answer. "no stupid teenager game!" he says.
"spin the bottle!" you say. "no! Absolutely not!" he answers. "why not?" you ask. He doesn't answer. "bad memories?" you ask after some seconds. "It's none of your business." he answers. "so yes!" you say.
"I said! None of your business!" he repeats himself. "Okey, if there is nothing wrong with the game, you can just play it!" you replie.
"maybe you just do your work and then leave!" he replies. "and if I do my work, can we play it then?" you ask. "no!" he answers. "you know I'm going to keep irritating you until I have what I want!"
Again he sighs deep. "Okey, but only if your potion is perfect!" he answers. "bet!" you say and go to work.

<2 hours later>

It's around 4a.m. And your potion is finally done! It's veritaserum, so very useful.
Snape walks up to the table and looks at it. He also does some tests that you don't understand. "and?" you ask. "it's perfect." he mutters irrited. "YES!" you shout. "not. So. Loud!" he says. "sorry!" you whisper. "so we play?" you ask. "yes." he groans.

You take a Empty bottle and go stand opposite him.
Because there is no chair you go sit on his table, you see he doesn't like it, but it doesn't matter right now.
"do you know how the game works?" you ask. "you spin the bottle and everytime it lands on you, you have to drink something." he answers. "but you're underage." he Persecuted. "we had a bet!" you say and then spin the bottle. For a moment you trought that he was going to protest, but he didn't.

"you're first." you say when the bottle epoints at him. He rolls his eyes, then he waves his wand and magically a plate with little glasses appears.
He takes one and simply Swallows it down.

Again you spin the bottle, this time it points at you. A bit nervous you take a little glass and put it Between your lips. "what. Are. You. Doing?" he asks slow.
You take the glass away so you can answer. "I always see this in movies!" you answer.
Again you put it between your lips, You put your head back and swallow everything. Coughing and almost Vomiting you look him in the eye. "it's clear you never had drunk alcohol." he says.

After a few turns you are a bit more trusted with the taste of it. Maybe it also comes because you're being a bit tipsy. Snape on the other hand doesn't feel lightheaded! Strange, because he had drank much more than you!

When you're fully drunk you switch the alcohol with veritaserum.
Snape doesn't protests and you just play on.

It lands on him so he drinks a shot. "what is your real name?" you ask. "Severus." he answers. "good, Severus." you smirk.
When it comes on you he first started with some silly questions like "how's your grade from transfiguration."
But after some time he starts to ask more complicated questions like "who's your favorite teacher." or "is there a reason why you always want detention with me."

By the last question it slips out. "because you're hot." you say, but you're not shy about it, because you're so drunk. He raises an eyebrow. "is that so?" he asks. You climp a bit closer to him. "yes." you cooed.
When he spins the bottle again it comes on him.

He swallows the veritaserum down. "why do you not punish me for doing things like this?" you ask. "because I like it." he answers. He also doesn't look Shy about his Ruling.
"you like dirty talk?" you ask. "very much." he answers. You pull him closer by his clothes and whisper in his ear "then bring me to a private place."

He takes his wand and locks the door. "private enough for Madame?" he asks. "perfect." you answer.
You go lay with your butt up over the table.

He stands up and walks around the table so he stands between your legs. Pulling your legs trough him he slams your but. "yes daddy!" you cooed. "harder little slut!" he commands. You do as he says and yawn out his name. You turn around and go sit up.
While you suck all the blood out off his neck he opens the buttons from your nightdress.
After that he opens his pants and pushes them down.
He grabs you by your hair and slams you trough the ground. "suck it!" he says. "with pleasure." you answer.
He takes your ponytail and leads your head. Shocking in his size!
He groans and moans, what makes you go further!
He pushes you aside, when his seeds of love come out his body.
You go back to his cock and let your mouth taste all his cum. You want to start again, but he places you back on the table. He has a Combative look in his eyes.
"play with yourself!" he says. "do it for me daddy!" you replie. "no!" he answers. You roll your eyes and take off your panties. You start playing and moaning. "is that everything you have?" he asks. "I said you had to help me!" you answer out of breath. He takes his wand and roughly pushes it inside. He places his other hand on your throat and pushes you harder against the wooden table. You barely are getting breath, but that doesn't matter, it is more a thing that turns you on right now. You Moan loudly. "this is how you do it!" he says. Just his voice can make you cum on any point right now!
And that is what you do, not long after your pussy is soaking wett and his wand is full of your cum.
Without warning he pushes his whole size inside. Not even waiting for your response he slams his hips against yours. Faster and faster!
You yawn out his name several times. While he yawns things like:"slut, bitch, my personal Whore!"
It is almost impossible to make you more naughty than now!
He comes closer to you and kisses you roughly! His tongue making moves that you only could dream about and his Spit mixing in your mouth.
You feel lightheaded from the Little amount of breath you had the last couple of minutes. You pull away and inhales deep.
"you need to become better!" he says. "I would beg you to do this every day!" you answer.

Then suddenly he stops and starts to Dress him up again. "what?" you ask. "it's time for school." he says. "c'mon! We had fun!" you answer. He ignores you. "Severus." you say. "no! I'm professor Snape!" he says loud. "are you going to push me away!" you ask. "this sort of Blamings I don't respect! This evening detention!" he says while writing a note. "if it's a detention like this I will come with pleasure." you answer.

He looks you death in the eye. "what sort of detention are you thinking about?" he asks. For a moment you don't dare to say anything.

"so- so you mean I was only a toy for you?" you almost shout. He tries to say something, but you Interrupt him. "you mean I was laying here naked for you and now you don't care about me!" you shout. You want to shout something else to him, but then he kisses you and pushes you to the wall to silence you.
"ofcourse you're a toy of me, but you're my favorite and I want to spent every night with you." he cooed. "but-but! A few moments ago you said that u was going to have a normal detention." you replie. "I didn't said that! You made it from that!" he answers. "I mean, we can't do this all night, but you're Pleasant Company." he says.

After that he opens the door and lead you out.
You're dress is half open and you Shake a bit on your legs. "I think you have my lesson as first hour eh?" he asks. "yé!" you answer Casually. "it hink it's better if you skip my class and go sleep for a little." he says. "my daddy is growing care for me, I hope you don't do the same when we're having our time." you smirk. "I don't care! I just want no one to know! And you're still drunk!" he says. "whatever! I will do as you say!" you replie and then walk away to go sleep.

one shot alan rickman characters (but mostly Snape) Where stories live. Discover now