Daddy Lionel (Lionel Shabandar)

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A little bit smut, cheating, toxic friends, art, money, drunk, jalous


You and your friends are walking in a museum. It has very expensive art. Beautiful colors lighting the room.
Sadly no one from your friends are interested in this subject.
They are constantly judging some man's who are walking in the museum. "he must have more than 700 thousand!" Alisha says. "look that one over there! He is obviously a miljonair." sofia shouts. You are embarrassed because they aren't trying to keep it quiet.

Your best friend Nomala is the biggest gold digger from all of them.
She pulls you by your arm.
Running trough another room you leave the paintings on the wall.
"come! Here must be rich man's!" she shouts. Everyone follows. They stop and stay on the background, discussing about who would be the richest from everyone in the Auction.
You only see the beautiful painting that is going to get saled.

A man in the back Raises his hand.
"2 milion euro's? Anyone else? No? Saled!" the man Bangs with his Hammer on the Counter and the painting Get replaced.
They go one with Selling these things.
The girls beside you are whispering and pointing at some people.
You are DISCUSTED by how they act here!

"hey girls, I'm going to look around a little." you say and leave them.
You don't even know if they heard you but that doesn't matter.

<20 minutes later>

You decide to go back to your crew.
They are still standing on the same spot as before. "hey girls!" you greet them.
"y/n! You never know what happened!" sofia says. "what?" you ask fake excidet. "Nomala did it again! She fiksed that rich man!" Sofia says. O God! You think. You see your best friend hanging into that man's arm. She's smiling brightly and kiss him on his cheek.
He looks not so interested in her, But it could be you?
She sees you, whispers something to the man and then runs up to you. "what are you doing?!" you ask. "I'm gaining my new sugar daddy!" she answers.
"that man?!" you ask.
"Lionel is perfect!" she protests.
"you only like him for his money!" you answer wisely. "he likes me and I like him!" she says. "I don't think he's good for you!" you say again.

Before you know she drags you to him. "Lionel, this is my friend y/n!" she introduce you. "uh, nice to-to meet you." you say while shaking his hand. "I'm Lionel Shabandar." he answers. He turns back to the Seller from the paintings he just buyed.
You give your friend a angry look. "you just have to know him better." she whispers. Girl! You know him like 5 minutes!! "why don't you come sleep tomorrow?" she asks. "where?" you ask strictly (because it already habbened that she was doing 'the naughty' while sleeping by her home). "by Lionel." she answers. "no thank you!"
"don't be such a Nun! Have some fun! I will swear that he has much friends who also want a sugar babe!" she Explains. "but. I. don't. want. a. sugar. daddy! How many times do I have to explain it to you?!" you say angry.
"c'mon! Do it for me?" she asks.
You roll your eyes. "FINE! But if I don't like it there you let you 'sweet' Lionel bring me directly home!" you answer. There was no other way than agreeing with her! You know her more than 8 years and she ALWAYS want to do exactly as she wants. Sometimes you wonder why you're still best friends with her, but that are worries for later.

<2 days later>

The day has come. You have to go to that stupid boyfriend!
You take your bag and look for a clean pyjama. Of course you only had an Dress with a big V Neck, as pyjama.
Amazing now if there are any friends of him they all going to think that you're a slut and want to have sex with all of them!

After a long time you get finished and pack your bags.
5 minutes later the door bell rings.
You rush down the stairs and open the door. A man in costume stands before you. "I was just going to get my bags, 1 second!" you say while you make your movements back upstairs.
Surprisingly the man follows you. He takes the bags uit of your hands and carries them to the car. "uh, thanks." you Mutter.
He opens the door for you in his big black car with fancy white seats.

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